Bluff Park, Alabama Forum
General Category >> General Board >> Interested in starting a Community Garden?

Message started by jennmccown on 03/16/11 at 2:06pm

Title: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by jennmccown on 03/16/11 at 2:06pm

Hi - I am looking into starting a Community Garden and wanted to see if anyone else would be interested.  It would be modeled on the community and neighborhood vegetable/flower gardens that have popped up all across the country; a planning committee would be formed; a site would be chosen; small membership dues would be charged to cover common garden area maintenance, tools, plants, soil, etc.  Plots would be available upon payment of the membership dues in which to tend your vegetables, herbs and flowers - all the fresh yumminess grown in your plot would go to your table!! I believe this could be a great neighborhood project and would love to get it started - the growing season is just around the corner!! If you are interested - please check out where you can read all about this exciting, community endeavor that would foster a positive neighborhood spirit, while saving you money on groceries!! I think its a great idea and I know Bluff Park has many excellent gardeners!!  This would also be wonderful for kids!!  I would love to be overwhelmed with positive responses and maybe we could get this project IN the ground ASAP!!  Hope to hear from you!  

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by Forolemiss on 03/16/11 at 4:30pm

Totally behind this, but is there any available land in BP to start this?   Also, I've read that the best model is to have a group that tends the garden and gets their stuff for free and then the rest of the group would buy their food.

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by jennmccown on 03/16/11 at 6:35pm

I believe that the land could be found.  I have a spot in mind, but need to speak with the owner.  As for the model you suggested, I don't believe people have enough time to tend the entire garden and I believe that the people that own their own plots would take care of it very well, since its their own.  I have been to the community garden on Cotton Avenue and it is very inspiring - the plots feed a family of 4 for a $35 fee per season.  They do have a "master gardener" who is there for help, advice, etc - but the neighborhood works their plots together. It is wonderful.

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by nickel4al on 03/17/11 at 2:59pm

What would stop just anyone from going there and taking stuff from the garden, even if they weren't members?

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by jennmccown on 03/17/11 at 5:45pm

great question! of course, I would rather see veggies being stolen than cars and homes being burglarized, I don't think veggies have all that much street value! :)  Projects like these survive and even thrive in high crime areas...I bet a case could be made for the value that positive community projects bring to a neighborhood. Bringing people together instead of everyone only doing for themselves...This being said....a good fence and nosy neighbors along with a lot of gardening would most likely deter most criminal mischief. One can only hope! South Avondale is having their community garden kickoff this wknd and Jones Valley Urban Farms...smack dab in the middle of downtown has thrived for many years now. I think Bluff Park can handle it.

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by barden on 03/17/11 at 8:08pm

I think the garden is a great idea & look forward to more input.  Our "rock" soil will not grow decent vegetables & this would allow us fresh vegetables & be a good community project.  

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by jennmccown on 03/17/11 at 10:37pm


THANKS, Barden!! I hope there are many others in Bluff Park that feel the same!

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by Forolemiss on 03/18/11 at 11:41am

Where is the spot?

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by jennmccown on 03/18/11 at 12:23pm

I need to speak with the landowner first and see if she is willing.  But I will say it is a very centrally located plot of land.  I am not sure how she would feel about this, but it is my first choice.  There are others - that may require extensive clearing and I would like to avoid that! I will speak with her this weekend and hopefully have an update soon!

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by ht2 on 03/19/11 at 9:48am

Take the ball and run with it.  I think this is a great idea.

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by jennmccown on 03/19/11 at 1:40pm

Thanks Ht2! It's going to take more than just me though!  But I will get the ball rolling!!

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by fl350 on 03/21/11 at 8:29pm

We would be interested!  Great idea!

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by BluffParkGirl on 03/22/11 at 7:52am

Great Idea!!!!
I feel this will be hugely successful.  

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by ht2 on 03/22/11 at 10:22am

BluffParkGirl wrote:
Great Idea!!!!
I feel this will be hugely successful.  

Jenn, if you could also somehow get us a nice Mexican restaurant built as an outparcel in the old Delchamps parking lot, that would be awesome too.  Get on it!

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by jennmccown on 03/22/11 at 12:00pm

Now, I am not a real estate developer - but my Dad I will pitch that idea to him.  I would rather see one in the Piggly Wiggly shopping center....that big brown building at the back near Carto Craft maps - I have no idea what goes on there, but it could have the look of a cool restaurant.

As for the Community Garden - we may need to take the Spring to plan/design and get beds ready and then go for our first crops in Summer.  It just will take time and I got a late start.  Should we have a meeting of all interested and form a committee? I would be happy to host the meeting.  Those who are interested in being on the Planning Committee, just send my a PM and we can discuss.

I am so happy to see such enthusiastic community involvement!! :)

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by BluffParkWriter on 03/22/11 at 1:05pm

The brown building in the Piggly wiggly center is where the Marry Maids place is.
When we get to a point of having a meeting Jenn when we can have it at the Community School or at the Community Center by the pool. has used both as meeting places.

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by ht2 on 03/22/11 at 1:27pm

Jenn -

Were you able to speak to the owner of the land you have in mind this past weekend?

Yeah, the Piggly Wiggly center will be fine for a Mexican restaurant...tell your dad to just make sure it's a nice one and not a half-crapped one like Cancun's (food was great, I will say), now called Gringo's, out on Lakeshore.  :)

A good Mexican restaurant would kill it over there.

Back to the original topic, how big of a plot of land do you typically need for one of these gardens?

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by jennmccown on 03/22/11 at 2:11pm

Sounds Great BP Writer - would love to meet using either of those places.  

BluffParkGirl - funny!  I sure wish the one on 31 hadn't crapped out after they did all the renovations and everything - can't remember what it was called it's like a broken down car lot or something.

As for the size of land - it really depends on how many members we have.  I did not catch up with my neighbor yet, but I will see if they are home later today. I have printed out a lot of material to show them - I do know that they are very attached to this property and may not be interested, but I have a positive attitude and it's worth a shot! If not, we may all have to get together and discuss a scouting mission at our first planning meeting!  I am also going to visit all of the existing and newly formed community gardens in Birmingham this weekend.  There are 15 - 20 of them!  Hope I can make it to all!!!

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by jennmccown on 03/22/11 at 2:12pm

Woops - I mean Ht2! Sorry!

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by jennmccown on 03/31/11 at 10:40am

Just as an update to those interested in getting this project off the ground, I visited several community gardens in the Bham area last weekend and in particular, spoke with Gus Heard who headed up the new Irondale Community Garden.  Got some good info - most of the gardens are on City owned property and the City assists with water hookups and just lets the communities use the property.  Not sure if that will be the method for Bluff Park's Community Garden.  I spoke with Gene Smith and he thinks approaching some private land owners would be the best way to start.  A friend had a very good idea and I wanted to see what y'all thought of it. The PW shopping center used to have a gardening center - it didn't do well and went out of business. The land is just sitting there - do you think that shopping center owner would let us use the land for our garden? I don't know who owns that side of the center, and I am sure they would want money for the use of the property and then if a Tenant was ever interested (like that would happen), we would have to relocate.  Just a thought - it sure gets loads of sun and is very centrally located. Worth a shot at speaking with the Owners, I think.  I also still have not been able to catch my neighbors!  I will keep trying.  Maybe we should have a meeting with everyone who is seriously interested in starting this project and put our brains together and find the property.  Once we have secured a spot, it's pretty easy! So let me know your thought on proceeding! Thanks!!! Jenn

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by BluffParkWriter on 03/31/11 at 1:39pm

We know the owner of that side of the shopping center. I will get you his contact info.

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by ht2 on 03/31/11 at 11:03pm

jennmccown wrote:
Just as an update to those interested in getting this project off the ground, I visited several community gardens in the Bham area last weekend and in particular, spoke with Gus Heard who headed up the new Irondale Community Garden.  Got some good info - most of the gardens are on City owned property and the City assists with water hookups and just lets the communities use the property.  Not sure if that will be the method for Bluff Park's Community Garden.  I spoke with Gene Smith and he thinks approaching some private land owners would be the best way to start.  A friend had a very good idea and I wanted to see what y'all thought of it. The PW shopping center used to have a gardening center - it didn't do well and went out of business. The land is just sitting there - do you think that shopping center owner would let us use the land for our garden? I don't know who owns that side of the center, and I am sure they would want money for the use of the property and then if a Tenant was ever interested (like that would happen), we would have to relocate.  Just a thought - it sure gets loads of sun and is very centrally located. Worth a shot at speaking with the Owners, I think.  I also still have not been able to catch my neighbors!  I will keep trying.  Maybe we should have a meeting with everyone who is seriously interested in starting this project and put our brains together and find the property.  Once we have secured a spot, it's pretty easy! So let me know your thought on proceeding! Thanks!!! Jenn

Jenn, that is the first place I thought of when you brought this subject up...the only problem being, like you said, it is probably owned by an investor or whoever and they will likely not just donate commercial property, especially an endcap.  That would be a GREAT spot for the garden.  

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by jennmccown on 04/01/11 at 8:46am

Well, it's worth a shot - it's just sitting there vacant right now. I don't know of the rental prospects at the moment and I don't see the economy (especially commercial real estate) taking off in the near future!  I still want to talk to the owner's and see. But yes!  Wouldn't that be the perfect spot!!! :)

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by BluffParkWriter on 04/01/11 at 2:00pm

Jenn I am emailing you the owners info now

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by irrigator on 04/01/11 at 9:04pm

Depending on the site and the accessibility to water, I could install irrigation.

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by jennmccown on 04/01/11 at 10:38pm

Thank you!! Wow!  I am really blown away by the support for this project.  It WILL happen! Bluff Park is awesome!  And getting more awesome by the day!  :)

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by Abbey111 on 04/02/11 at 12:31pm

Last night ran into guy who volunteers at Save our Strays. I'm in a hurry, but to be brief here is an idea:

Use a plot of land over there in back and all around that house. Use built up beds. Let people rent a bed and the profit goes to Save our Strays. Of course they rent from someone else so this may not work.

I did tell him that place needs merchandising and the urine smell is gross. He said many ladies have offered to help merchandise, but then there is no follow through. Just wanted to run idea of possible  community garden location and way to help that nonprofit save animals.

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by Forolemiss on 04/11/11 at 11:00am

Irrigation idea:

If the commercial property by the Pig has downspouts, you can see if you can tie into them and set up a system of rain barrels or a buried cistern.  It would save on water costs and tying into Jeffco’s costly water system.  The only problem is getting good water pressure.

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by jennmccown on 04/11/11 at 11:10am

I met with the owner of the property and he still wants a monthly rent rate - something in the neighborhood of $1500!.  I wonder if the City would be interested in purchasing the parcel?  He said he would love to explore that idea with Hoover.  The parcel needs to be cleaned up and could be the perfect place for a community garden. It does have PVC pipes all around it - because it was a garden center before. Everybody wants to make money though and that is commercial property.  There are several "vacant" lots along Valley Street - I know they are owned by someone and not being used - overgrown and not cleared.  I don't know, I am a tad discouraged, but if we could interest the City - it would be a real success in our neighborhood, no doubt.  Just need the land!!

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by Forolemiss on 04/11/11 at 1:16pm

The Children's Fresh Air Farm has a ton of land.  You might want to talk to them about doing a land for vegetable swap.  The contact name is Susan Clayton and the phone number is 205.933.1830 (general church number).  Good luck.

If that doesn't work there is a empty lot on Bedford Ave.  

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by ht2 on 05/09/11 at 3:44pm

Anything new to report?

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by jennmccown on 05/09/11 at 4:31pm

Nothing new to report...with all the storm activity and whatnot, this has been sort of pushed to the side.  I did meet with John Lemak and he wants rent for the parcel - $1500 a month.  So that is a no go.  UNLESS the City wanted to purchase it - he said he would LOVE to sell it to the City.  That would need to be discussed with Councilman Smith, first though.  This is not going to happen THIS year, but I would like to set up a meeting with all interested participants and come up with a plan.  I think I can get Edwin Marty to assist, but since the tornado's he is working on gardens for the ravaged areas, like Pleasant Grove and Pratt City.  I would like to get through May - get through the school year and have planning meeting in June.  What do y'all think of this plan?

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by KHarper on 05/27/11 at 6:21pm

I am definitely interested in participating in a community garden.  I moved here in 1994.  I had had a vegetable garden for several years in Nashville when I moved here and tried to plant a garden in my backyard but between the soil/clay, rocks and moles, I never could get it going.  In my old garden, I grew tomatoes, sweet potatoes, peanuts, okra, cucumbers, squash, onions, melons and beans.  I would love to have a place to do that that is nearby.  I do have the flexibility to be able to tend to a plot several days of the week (pulling weeds and picking veggies is all the work there is after the initial planting anyway!).  

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by KHarper on 05/31/11 at 7:52pm

I have some friends who live in Bessemer who have been successful in starting a community garden known as the Jonesboro Community Garden.  I asked my friend what they did to get it started and here is what she told me:

"The land was vacant and not in use but was originally donated to the board of education. We presented the idea to the city council, the mayor, and the board of education and they went for it. We wrote a grant proposal to Vulcan Materials and they funded us with $7000 to start the project. We partnered with our Bessemer Historical Homeowners Association, a local church, the American Community Gardening Association, our local extention agent, and the horticultural instructor at Lawson State Community College...we all came together and worked out a plan and got it done. The garden uses about $1000 a year for up keep and new plantings. The board of education still cuts the majority of the property. Feel free to ask any questions."

Just thought I'd pass this on as it sounds like a way to start thinking about things.  Do any of the schools in Bluff Park have land they're not using?  I don't think Bluff Park Elementary does (I live right across the street from it) but what about Gwenn or Simmons middle school?  

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by Forolemiss on 09/01/11 at 2:31pm

Why don't you see if the City will let you use the land at the intersection of Alford and Tyler (diagonal to the left of the new light).  

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by bluffparkdmd on 01/23/12 at 3:08pm

New to this board and wanted to bring this idea back up to see if there's been any new developments.  My wife and I would definitely be interested and willing to help with a community garden!

Thanks :)

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by Forolemiss on 01/25/12 at 11:25am

There is a vacant lot on Bedford that has a perking problem that you may want to consider.  The original owner still has the grass cut so he may be open to the idea of someone using it as garden.  

The only downfall to the lot is that it is relatively small (50 feet x 100 maybe) and half of it is shaded.  Could remedy the shading part by cutting some of the trees in the yard.  The perking part may actually help you since parts of the property always seem wet with some run off.  The perk maybe a benefit since you wouldn't need to run water to the property, but you would probably have to build plant boxes so the plant don't get too much water.  You could probably dig a mini well and install a hand pump.  

Also, since I live on this street, it can't look like crap.



Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by Abbey111 on 01/30/12 at 9:06pm

Interesting link. I am getting excited about growing garden this year. Especially since our newest neighbors have done so well with theirs. They are definitely a great resource to tap into if this community garden gets off the ground. I see where tons of other places in US have done it.

Would people just die if a street decided to tastefully set aside a small patch of all participants' front yard to devote to a street long community garden? I wouldn't mind. It could be tastefully done.

I don't know if it costs to be an affiliate...but here are grant opportunities

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by jennmccown on 04/06/12 at 12:47pm

It has been soooo long since I have visited bluffparkal forum and I feel like I have dropped the ball on the garden!  I see how much interest there is in this potentially wonderful addition to our community.  I feel like this is more than 1 person can actually tackle.  I would love to have a meeting to discuss steps to take and avenues to research.  I also think the garden needs a Board of Directors or some formal representation of the plot owners.  There is soooo much vacant land in Bluff Park and I have even been told that we might go "guerilla" and begin a garden somewhere in the vast vacant land owned by the City on Chapel Road.  That land is just sitting there wasting away and coyotes run all over it.  A small part of it wouldn't be missed.  BUT, I get off topic.  SO, WHO is sincerely interested in getting dirty ( ;D) and maybe planning a meeting to discuss our mission and plan!  With the high cost of living - this garden could actually feed many, many families!  So many benefits!!!

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by bluffparkdmd on 04/06/12 at 1:15pm

You can count my wife and me as interested.  The vacant land idea is a good one...running water is the main obstacle I can think of (besides any landowner issues) that might come up.  Hopefully more people will chime in so we can get this thing going

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by blissfull on 04/08/12 at 9:09am

I'm in!

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by Leo on 04/09/12 at 3:27am

What about the empty lot in the Piggly Wiggly Shopping Center that use to be a Nursery?
Since it use to be a nursery it probable may have water line.
Since it has been for sale for awhile the owner may could get a tax right off if they let the city use it for a set time frame( I am not a Lawyer, just thinking about charity) ;)

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by jennmccown on 04/10/12 at 1:40pm

>:( Oh...I met with Mr. Lemak when this all first started and indeed that would be the PERFECT spot, but he wants payment per month - I think he said $1500 a month.  He will not let us use it while it just sits there wasting away and becoming more and more of an eyesore.  I really had hoped that would work out, with the daycare right there - flowers and vegetables would be a whole lot better for the kids to look at than broken beer bottles.  It's just a sad testimony to greed.  I even said if someone came to him and wanted to rent it from him, we would clear out.  He DID say, if he could get some form of tax benefit from the City for allowing us to use it, he might consider it, but I would need some help from the community to handle that one! Should we all get together and work on this one?  I'm telling you, I can see a flourishing garden there, with neighborhood dinners in the nice grassy area behind the building...It would be great.  BUT talk about red tape! Whose got the scissors!?  ;D

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by jennmccown on 03/27/13 at 10:19pm

Every Spring the Community Garden idea comes back to the fore front if my brain. Now, I have another location proposal. What about  garden at the new Moss Rock extension the city is working on? Bright full Sun, a great gathering place and a compliment to the existing uses at Moss Rock Preserve. I was recently visiting friends in Atlanta and their neighborhood had a thriving community garden. So popular, in fact that her family has been on a waiting list for a plot for several years now! Kids were out working, it was not an eyesore, nice fencing, fun garden art...reay beautiful, functional and positive. What do yall think about this location? :D

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by teeechur on 04/02/13 at 8:19pm

Yes!  I think that is a fantastic idea.  I'll bet with a decent proposal and community support the city would favorably consider the idea.

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by jennmccown on 04/02/13 at 11:07pm

Love it! Question...does anyone know the Master Plan for the new addition at Moss Rock Preserve?  Who wants to help me pull this plan together and get it in front of the City Council asap?? It's time to plant, my friends!!  ;)

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by teeechur on 04/03/13 at 8:22pm

I'm recently retired and I'd be happy to help.  PM me and let's see what we can do.

Title: Re: Interested in starting a Community Garden?
Post by bluffparkdmd on 04/04/13 at 5:07pm

My wife and I would be happy to help any way we can.  Just keep us in the loop :)

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