Bluff Park, Alabama Forum
General Category >> General Board >> dump trucks on Rockland

Message started by mtmama on 06/16/08 at 9:05pm

Title: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by mtmama on 06/16/08 at 9:05pm

Does anyone know what is going on with the last house as you go down the hill on Rockland. There are dump trucks and noise coming from the back yard all day.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by galaxiegrace on 06/17/08 at 1:13pm

I noticed that the other day as well... I figured they were adding on or building a pool or something.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by BluffParkwriter on 06/17/08 at 10:44pm

what part of Rockland? going up to Shades Crest or Down toward the pool?
THere is a lot of construction going on at Shades Crest Baptists Church might have something to do with that... I think that is Rockland that runs on th side of it right?

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by bpresident on 06/17/08 at 10:57pm

BluffParkwriter wrote:
what part of Rockland? going up to Shades Crest or Down toward the pool?
THere is a lot of construction going on at Shades Crest Baptists Church might have something to do with that... I think that is Rockland that runs on th side of it right?

You're thinking of Rockview, not Rockland.  Rockland is directly across the street from the church, about 1/2 mile from Rockview.  We have too many streets that have similar sounding names.

The dump trucks are coming from the house near Rushmore.  The house is on a HUGE lot and they have lots of room to build, which is probably what they're doing.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by BluffParkwriter on 06/17/08 at 11:03pm

ah my bad :) Yeah and some streets just change names right in the middle.. dont even tell you :)

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by appleblossom on 06/18/08 at 11:44am

Permit says - Bring in fill dirt for back yard.   Building Inspector is to go and see if anything looks fishy.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Forolemiss on 06/20/08 at 12:39pm

Is it me or Bluff park turning into Little Tijuana?  

I have lived in Bluff Park eight years and I have recently noticed that there are various homes in our neighborhood that are overcrowded (2-3 families living in one home).  It seems to be mostly emigrant families that run construction companies out of their homes.  The homes that I can think of are located on Alford (newer 2 story brick with 10+ cars in the driveway, two more as you go towards Francher), the two story home on Rockland Drive with a tractor trailer storage unit in the backyard, and the one on Park Ave 3-4 houses down from the school that has huge dump trucks in the backyard.

Has anyone else noticed this??

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by bpresident on 06/21/08 at 9:21am

Forolemiss wrote:
Is it me or Bluff park turning into Little Tijuana?  

I have lived in Bluff Park eight years and I have recently noticed that there are various homes in our neighborhood that are overcrowded (2-3 families living in one home).  It seems to be mostly emigrant families that run construction companies out of their homes.  The homes that I can think of are located on Alford (newer 2 story brick with 10+ cars in the driveway, two more as you go towards Francher), the two story home on Rockland Drive with a tractor trailer storage unit in the backyard, and the one on Park Ave 3-4 houses down from the school that has huge dump trucks in the backyard.

Has anyone else noticed this??

The Alford home is college students.  The Rockland home is a $650K house (1 family, children attends local schools) that lives within code (no parked construction vehicles in the open) and I don't know about the Park Ave. house.

As an immigrant myself, I question the post (been here 30+ years, learned to speak English, blended into the community).  Clarify a couple of things.  Are you upset that that someone is running a company out of their home?  That they are running a construction company out of their home?  That they are immigrants?  That they have more than one family living in the home?  

Hoover's residency law of 2 adults per bedroom was shot down either last year or this year, if I'm not mistaken, due to some civil rights violation, so it can't be enforced anymore.  

I'm with you on a lot of the points that you are making, but we need to make sure that we treat everyone equally in order to have a shot at changing anything.  

When the governor sent his commission around the state earlier this year to study the (illegal) immigration issue, one of the stops was in Hoover at the library.  I was there, along with 250+ other people.  Many spoke for and against the immigration issue.  I learned a lot of things that evening,  things that were very surprising to me.

As someone who came from another country to this one (legally) one of the first things I wanted to do was to blend in, assimilate, become part of my adopted country.  Before we moved to the US, we lived for five years in Mexico, two years in Spain and before that in Germany.  My brother and I only spoke German (our native tongue) and Spanish.  I was fluent in English in 6 months.  My brother, five years younger, took only 1 month.  It wasn't easy, but it was either sink or swim.  We chose swim.

Today's immigrant (from a Latin American country) doesn't face the challenge we faced.  If he/she doesn't learn English, so what?  All they have to do is press 2 when calling somewhere and they get a Spanish speaking person.  Instructions too complicated in English?  Flip the box around and there it is in Spanish.  Can't read the menu at McDonald' in English?  Look to the right, there it is in Spanish.  Can't understand the lady at the driver's license office?  Wait a minute, we'll get someone to translate for you.  

The point is simple.  American businesses have made it so that the immigrants DON'T HAVE TO LEARN THE LANGUAGE.  Don't blame the immigrants.  If you were in their shoes, you might take the path of least resistance also.  After all, why bother learning English when you don't have to?  You're not going to be here that long anyway.

The problem we face is that we have become too reliant on the immigrant workers.  There were some farmers at the governor's conference who complained that they couldn't get any Americans to apply for the farming jobs, only immigrants.  And they stated that they didn't hire any that didn't have the proper paperwork.

Who do I blame for all this?  Number 1:  Businesses.  Businesses have taken the approach that they want to make a buck over the approach that we should all speak a common language.  If I can avoid it, I will not patronize a business that offers their services in two languages (which is ironic because I can speak both fluently).  Number 2:  American workers who don't want to take the non-skilled jobs that the immigrants will take gladly.  Some would rather draw unemployment than go work in the fields.  Number 3:  Government.  Take a stand and make English the official language of the country.  It was for over 200 years and now it is becoming a bi-lingual country.  That's just very wrong.

I'm willing to bet that we wouldn't have half the problems on a personal basis with some of the immigrants if they blended in with society.  Your post regarding the construction companies pointed out that they were of an immigrant nature.  I bet there's more American construction companies here than immigrant ones.  

Finally, I'm not attacking your post, I'm just pointing out that we need to accept some of the blame ourselves since we've allowed it to get this way and until we change it, we will have to accept it.  How do we change it?  Perhaps elect some leaders who are willing to change it.  But as long as there are strong lobbies that support those that won't, this will not happen.

Maybe the next council will vote to make English the official language of Hoover?

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Forolemiss on 06/24/08 at 11:20am

The house on Rockland HAS A TRACTOR TRAILER IN THE BACK YARD WITH NO WHEELS ON IT!!!!! They run a construction company out of their house which is illegal and I bet they have more than one family living in the that house.  Come on, you don't think that runs down the property values??  

I don't give a rat's @#$ what color their (or your ) skin is.  I just don't want this this community to suffer and my home value go down.  I can't even take friends to lunch at Mr. P's without them making some comment all the cars around the house on Alford.  

Is it "being hateful" to point out who is junking up our neighborhood.  Sorry I am not PC. Verstehen?

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by BluffParkwriter on 06/24/08 at 2:37pm

Forolemiss wrote:
The house on Rockland HAS A TRACTOR TRAILER IN THE BACK YARD WITH NO WHEELS ON IT!!!!! They run a construction company out of their house which is illegal and I bet they have more than one family living in the that house.  Come on, you don't think that runs down the property values??  

if you think the house on Rockland is in violation of the code than you need to go down the Valleydale and file a written complaint. Unfortunately that is how you have to do it under the law right now. Make sure you have the house number.

Yes I think it does hurt property values a little when there are a lot of people living in one house, but if they are not breaking the law, there is nothing the law can do about it. The housing code would have to be changed to effect it that way... now the fire code... they may be breaking that.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by bpresident on 06/24/08 at 5:29pm

Forolemiss wrote:
The house on Rockland HAS A TRACTOR TRAILER IN THE BACK YARD WITH NO WHEELS ON IT!!!!! They run a construction company out of their house which is illegal and I bet they have more than one family living in the that house.  Come on, you don't think that runs down the property values??  

I don't give a rat's @#$ what color their (or your ) skin is.  I just don't want this this community to suffer and my home value go down.  I can't even take friends to lunch at Mr. P's without them making some comment all the cars around the house on Alford.  

Is it "being hateful" to point out who is junking up our neighborhood.  Sorry I am not PC. Verstehen?

Ich verstehe.  Actually that house is raising your property value due to its value.  And the people that live there could probably buy and sell the rest of us many times over.  They've worked hard for what they have and are reaping the rewards.  I walk past the house every day and it really doesn't bother me too much.  It's nice to live in a neighborhood that has $500K+ homes in it.  Wish mine was worth that much.

Regarding the second paragraph of your comment, I'm sorry your friends don't have better things to talk about than how many cars are in someone's driveway.  I've noticed all the cars are parked in a very orderly manner and I've never seen the house, or the cars, to be in disaray.

Regarding the PC portion - this forum happens to be PC.  This is not the Hoover forum on where insulting people is the order of the land.  This is not the  This is the Bluff Park forum.  It is designed for members of the community to solve problems and come together on issues, not to attack one another.  We've solved many issues here by being logical, patient, understanding and proactive.  If you have an issue with a particular house that you feel is not meeting City of Hoover code, get a complaint going.  Let the process take its course.  The laws, codes and rules are there for a reason, but we have to work within the system to get things changed.  And if we don't like the system, we bring it to the attention of one of the council members who has the power to change the system.  So far I have yet to meet one of the council members who's not willing to listen to a problem we have, and try to fix it.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Forolemiss on 06/26/08 at 1:17pm


Actually the house went on the market about a year ago for $425K and it didn’t sell because the interior was pretty ragged and the back yard looked like an industrial wasteland complete with the Schneider trailer.  Ask anybody on Rockland.  

Let me ask the Forum if they have ever heard of a thing called the Broken Window Theory, which basically states that a community's problems often start out singular in nature but left unchecked will multiple and cause the neighborhood to slowly spiral downward.  Just because it is not on your street doesn't mean it is not your problem.

The over crowded houses really don’t seem like a problem now but they are slowly multiplying around BP.  First you have some on Alford, then on Rockland, then on Park Ave and the next thing you know people won’t want to live in Bluff Park.  Then it basically it becomes Lorna Road.  Sound s a little Dooms Dayish but there is a reason that people moved out of Bessemer and Huffman.  

The Broken Window Theory is much like an old country saying that my Uncle used to use about apathy, The Frog in a Boiling Pot Theory.  If you throw a frog in a boiling pot of water he will jump out, but if you put him in a pot of luke warm water and turn up the heat he will stay in the pot and die.  

I know I may sound like a squeaky wheel and an angry guy, but what you see as not so bad and “not a problem”, I see as a trend.  

Something off the Internet on the Broken Window Theory.

Little Things Lead to Big Things

The germ of the idea is simple and compelling. A broken window--or a littered sidewalk, graffiti,--does not do great harm to a neighborhood if promptly addressed. But left untended, it sends a signal: that no one cares about this neighborhood, that it is a safe place to break things, to litter, to vandalize. Those who engage in such behaviors will feel safe here. And once they have become well established, perhaps it will seem a safe enough neighborhood in which to be openly drunk, in which to beg for money, and possibly extort it. In short the smallest symptoms of antisocial behavior will, left to fester, breed greater and greater crimes.

This is the theory famously expounded by James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling in an article entitled Broken Windows: The Police and Neighborhood Safety, which appeared in Atlantic Monthly in March 1982. They make the consequences of small-scale neglect very clear and very direct:
A piece of property is abandoned, weeds grow up, a window is smashed. Adults stop scolding rowdy children; the children, emboldened, become more rowdy. Families move out, unattached adults move in. Teenagers gather in front of the corner store. The merchant asks them to move; they refuse. Fights occur. Litter accumulates. People start drinking in front of the grocery; in time, an inebriate slumps to the sidewalk and is allowed to sleep it off. Pedestrians are approached by panhandlers. The broken window sends a signal to certain elements that crime is safe because nobody cares, and soon it builds up to all sorts of crime.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by PharmD on 06/26/08 at 5:06pm

I agree to some extent with ForOleMiss. While I am not originally from Alabama, I see exactly what you mean when I think about how at some point years ago, ensley and fairfield were the places to be, before hoover and highway 280 was so developed. OFten I travel to downtown Bessemer for work and downtown where my husband works, and I just wonder what it was like in these areas years ago. My husband can remember when Highway 280 was a two lane road.  At some point all the run down areas of Bham that we see on the news every night, used to be vibrant communities.  I really hope Bluff Park is not going to be thought of, like these other areas are, as "seen better days" in 20 years.  I agree, prevention is the key.

Any thoughts on trying to get some of our council members to hold a town hall meeting at the BP community center to discuss these and other concerns as a group?

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by sweethome2 on 06/26/08 at 6:23pm

I would like to add that as long as Bluff Park Elementary is in business we will be all right.  This is a wonderful school with great teachers that has a great pull to bring people in.  I think most people in Bluff Park are good people.  Everyone has a bad apple here and there.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by stumpy on 06/26/08 at 7:26pm

I find it interesting no one has mentioned the real issue. This problem originates on Lorna Rd. If you want the housing problem fixed this should be the starting point. However each time our city tries to clean up Lorna Rd and/or change the housing laws the city get sued. We should all be happy Park Ave or Alford Ave does not look like Lorna Rd. If yall want a starting point to fix this problem its need to be Lorna Rd and not handfull of houses here in Bluff Park.  

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by sweethome2 on 06/26/08 at 8:40pm

stumpy wrote:
I find it interesting no one has mentioned the real issue. This problem originates on Lorna Rd. If you want the housing problem fixed this should be the starting point. However each time our city tries to clean up Lorna Rd and/or change the housing laws the city get sued. We should all be happy Park Ave or Alford Ave does not look like Lorna Rd. If yall want a starting point to fix this problem its need to be Lorna Rd and not handfull of houses here in Bluff Park.  

According to my dog barking neighbors, this would make you a hater of Mexicans.  Are you still speechless?

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Bluff Park Guy on 06/27/08 at 2:09pm

I agree to an extent with ForOleMiss. I spent a lot of time fixing up an old house and selling it a few years back. I fell in love with the area while I was working on the house and decided to build a new house in the area. I have to agree that one of the biggest draws to the area is the elementary school, the large lots and trees. But I have to admit I get a little uneasy when I see houses go up for rent and houses that have 6 or 7 cars parked in the yard, etc. I realize these houses are the minority but it is something to keep an eye on. I feel like I took a chance and invested quite a bit of money in building a new house in this area but my my hope is that Bluff Park will see a revitalization like we have seen in Homewood the last 10 years. Remodeling, additions to current homes, etc. will make the area more attractive and should drive up property values which is what we all should want.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by BluffParkwriter on 06/27/08 at 2:56pm

If you all want to keep talking about the broader issue on the homes/ code/etc etc lets keep it all at this thread so if we want to talk about this with the HCC at the party all our thoughts are in one place. Several of the HCC read this forum anyway, better to have it all in one thread with a collective voice of opinions and concerns.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Forolemiss on 07/01/08 at 4:20pm

Right there with you Bluff Park Guy.  I have about $50-$60K invested in the ole "Rancher" and I don't want anything to happen to its value.  

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by ht2 on 07/02/08 at 2:03pm

The next time one of ya'll are at the Hoover Municipal Center on Valleydale, would you please consider reporting the 12 foot high grass at 836 Fancher?  That office is nowhere near where I work or I would do it myself.  I believe that house has been foreclosed upon.  I called Hoover City and tried to do it over the phone, which I obviously found out you couldn't, and was flabbergasted that it hadn't been reported yet.  

I would really appreciate it.  Alford/Fancher is one of the main arteries into BP, and it is terrible to see stuff like this.  I would love to report it myself, like I said, but my gosh they've made the location and office hours inconvenient.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by bpresident on 07/02/08 at 2:26pm

ht2 wrote:
The next time one of ya'll are at the Hoover Municipal Center on Valleydale, would you please consider reporting the 12 foot high grass at 836 Fancher?  That office is nowhere near where I work or I would do it myself.  I believe that house has been foreclosed upon.  I called Hoover City and tried to do it over the phone, which I obviously found out you couldn't, and was flabbergasted that it hadn't been reported yet.  

I would really appreciate it.  Alford/Fancher is one of the main arteries into BP, and it is terrible to see stuff like this.  I would love to report it myself, like I said, but my gosh they've made the location and office hours inconvenient.

The house you are speaking of, and the one next door, were bought by the city and will be removed when they re-do that intersection within the next year.  

If I'm not mistaken, though, the grass issue was taken care of within the past two weeks after the city was contacted about it.  They sent somone out the next day to cut the grass.  If it's back to looking bad, they may need to be contacted again.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by ht2 on 07/02/08 at 2:41pm

Bpres, this is a different house. It's on the other side of the street, and it definitely hasn't been resolved yet.  

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by BluffParkWriter on 07/02/08 at 5:52pm

bpresident wrote:
[quote author=ht2 link=1213668330/15#19 date=1215025383]The next time one of ya'll are at the Hoover Municipal Center on Valleydale, would you please consider reporting the 12 foot high grass at 836 Fancher?  That office is nowhere near where I work or I would do it myself.  I believe that house has been foreclosed upon.  I called Hoover City and tried to do it over the phone, which I obviously found out you couldn't, and was flabbergasted that it hadn't been reported yet.  

I would really appreciate it.  Alford/Fancher is one of the main arteries into BP, and it is terrible to see stuff like this.  I would love to report it myself, like I said, but my gosh they've made the location and office hours inconvenient.

The house you are speaking of, and the one next door, were bought by the city and will be removed when they re-do that intersection within the next year.  

If I'm not mistaken, though, the grass issue was taken care of within the past two weeks after the city was contacted about it.  They sent somone out the next day to cut the grass.  If it's back to looking bad, they may need to be contacted again.

by ht2 ..Bpres, this is a different house. It's on the other side of the street, and it definitely hasn't been resolved yet.

Bpresident is correct about the 2 homes at the END of Fancher, I called about them see this post....
The homes are in possession of the city, they are responsible for them right now till the road straighten out. The city came out and cut all the overgrowth down 2 times from the time I called.

ht2, is the home you are talking about on the left if you are going in the direction of the interstate, away form Bluff Park. Kind of a yellowish house on a little bit of a hill?

I have noticed this home seems to be empty but there is not sign in the front form a bank or real estate agent  so I dont know if it is a foreclosure or what. We can ask a realtor. If there is no one there I am not sure where the responsibility goes. I will check the address on the way home from work and see if it is the same house you are talking about.

Just let me know

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by ht2 on 07/02/08 at 6:34pm

That's the one.  

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by teatucker on 07/02/08 at 7:19pm

yep yellow house

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by BluffParkWriter on 07/06/08 at 2:21pm

Just an update,
I have a real estate agent checking on the status of this house. She will be able to tell if it is foreclosed, bank owned.. etc. When we know that we can then see about who's responsibility it will be to clean up the overgrowth. I have been by the house 2 time in the last few days and still it does not look like there is any "movement" in the house.


Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Another_PSA on 07/06/08 at 3:28pm

BluffParkWriter wrote:
Just an update,
I have a real estate agent checking on the status of this house. She will be able to tell if it is foreclosed, bank owned.. etc. When we know that we can then see about who's responsibility it will be to clean up the overgrowth. I have been by the house 2 time in the last few days and still it does not look like there is any "movement" in the house.


Yes, saw that house yesterday.  It doesn't look like anyone lives there.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by ht2 on 07/06/08 at 6:46pm

Another_PSA wrote:
[quote author=BluffParkWriter link=1213668330/15#25 date=1215372108]Just an update,
I have a real estate agent checking on the status of this house. She will be able to tell if it is foreclosed, bank owned.. etc. When we know that we can then see about who's responsibility it will be to clean up the overgrowth. I have been by the house 2 time in the last few days and still it does not look like there is any "movement" in the house.


Yes, saw that house yesterday.  It doesn't look like anyone lives there.
No one lives there. A realtor friend of mine told me it was a foreclosure. I wish I had some free time to run out to Valleydale to file a complaint. Thanks for ya'lls help.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by BluffParkWriter on 07/06/08 at 7:06pm

ht2 wrote:
[quote author=Another_PSA link=1213668330/15#26 date=1215376136][quote author=BluffParkWriter link=1213668330/15#25 date=1215372108]Just an update,
I have a real estate agent checking on the status of this house. She will be able to tell if it is foreclosed, bank owned.. etc. When we know that we can then see about who's responsibility it will be to clean up the overgrowth. I have been by the house 2 time in the last few days and still it does not look like there is any "movement" in the house.


Yes, saw that house yesterday.  It doesn't look like anyone lives there.
No one lives there. A realtor friend of mine told me it was a foreclosure. I wish I had some free time to run out to Valleydale to file a complaint. Thanks for ya'lls help.[/quote]

No problem at all, that is what this place is for :)
I think with it being a foreclosure than the bank/holding company would have the responsibility of keeping the property in city code would they not?? When the realtor gets back to me I will ask that question as well. If we can find who has control of the property than that would get us a step further in getting it cleaned up. There was a similar issue with the old CVS building with spray paint, overgrown grass and trash (this was years ago), kept calling and calling till one day it was cleaned when I passed by it.

;) ;),

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Forolemiss on 07/07/08 at 3:51pm

Link to Hoover Housing Code

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by teatucker on 07/07/08 at 8:40pm

Forolemiss wrote:
Link to Hoover Housing Code

this database is very big, could you point out what exactly you are wanting people to see.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Forolemiss on 07/09/08 at 9:16am

It has a search function so you can search for any topic that you want.  

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by appleblossom on 07/10/08 at 9:45am

Good News: Found out this morning that letter went out last week to whom ever is holding the Yellow house on Alford  - to get it cleaned up. Bad News: They have 30 days to respond.

BluffParkWriter wrote:
[quote author=ht2 link=1213668330/15#27 date=1215388000][quote author=Another_PSA link=1213668330/15#26 date=1215376136][quote author=BluffParkWriter link=1213668330/15#25 date=1215372108]Just an update,
I have a real estate agent checking on the status of this house. She will be able to tell if it is foreclosed, bank owned.. etc. When we know that we can then see about who's responsibility it will be to clean up the overgrowth. I have been by the house 2 time in the last few days and still it does not look like there is any "movement" in the house.


Yes, saw that house yesterday.  It doesn't look like anyone lives there.
No one lives there. A realtor friend of mine told me it was a foreclosure. I wish I had some free time to run out to Valleydale to file a complaint. Thanks for ya'lls help.[/quote]

No problem at all, that is what this place is for :)
I think with it being a foreclosure than the bank/holding company would have the responsibility of keeping the property in city code would they not?? When the realtor gets back to me I will ask that question as well. If we can find who has control of the property than that would get us a step further in getting it cleaned up. There was a similar issue with the old CVS building with spray paint, overgrown grass and trash (this was years ago), kept calling and calling till one day it was cleaned when I passed by it.

;) ;),

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by BluffParkWriter on 07/10/08 at 2:47pm

appleblossom wrote:
Good News: Found out this morning that letter went out last week to whom ever is holding the Yellow house on Alford  - to get it cleaned up. Bad News: They have 30 days to respond.
[quote author=BluffParkWriter link=1213668330/15#28 date=1215389185][quote author=ht2 link=1213668330/15#27 date=1215388000][quote author=Another_PSA link=1213668330/15#26 date=1215376136][quote author=BluffParkWriter link=1213668330/15#25 date=1215372108]Just an update,
I have a real estate agent checking on the status of this house. She will be able to tell if it is foreclosed, bank owned.. etc. When we know that we can then see about who's responsibility it will be to clean up the overgrowth. I have been by the house 2 time in the last few days and still it does not look like there is any "movement" in the house.


Yes, saw that house yesterday.  It doesn't look like anyone lives there.
No one lives there. A realtor friend of mine told me it was a foreclosure. I wish I had some free time to run out to Valleydale to file a complaint. Thanks for ya'lls help.[/quote]

No problem at all, that is what this place is for :)
I think with it being a foreclosure than the bank/holding company would have the responsibility of keeping the property in city code would they not?? When the realtor gets back to me I will ask that question as well. If we can find who has control of the property than that would get us a step further in getting it cleaned up. There was a similar issue with the old CVS building with spray paint, overgrown grass and trash (this was years ago), kept calling and calling till one day it was cleaned when I passed by it.

;) ;),
quote author=appleblossom link=1213668330/30#32 date=1215701138]Good News: Found out this morning that letter went out last week to whom ever is holding the Yellow house on Alford  - to get it cleaned up. Bad News: They have 30 days to respond.

Fab News! Appleblossom check your PM
thank you for checking on this for us.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by ht2 on 07/11/08 at 11:14am

appleblossom wrote:
Good News: Found out this morning that letter went out last week to whom ever is holding the Yellow house on Alford  - to get it cleaned up. Bad News: They have 30 days to respond.
[quote author=BluffParkWriter link=1213668330/15#28 date=1215389185][quote author=ht2 link=1213668330/15#27 date=1215388000][quote author=Another_PSA link=1213668330/15#26 date=1215376136][quote author=BluffParkWriter link=1213668330/15#25 date=1215372108]Just an update,
I have a real estate agent checking on the status of this house. She will be able to tell if it is foreclosed, bank owned.. etc. When we know that we can then see about who's responsibility it will be to clean up the overgrowth. I have been by the house 2 time in the last few days and still it does not look like there is any "movement" in the house.


Yes, saw that house yesterday.  It doesn't look like anyone lives there.
No one lives there. A realtor friend of mine told me it was a foreclosure. I wish I had some free time to run out to Valleydale to file a complaint. Thanks for ya'lls help.[/quote]

No problem at all, that is what this place is for :)
I think with it being a foreclosure than the bank/holding company would have the responsibility of keeping the property in city code would they not?? When the realtor gets back to me I will ask that question as well. If we can find who has control of the property than that would get us a step further in getting it cleaned up. There was a similar issue with the old CVS building with spray paint, overgrown grass and trash (this was years ago), kept calling and calling till one day it was cleaned when I passed by it.

;) ;),

Thanks for the update!

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by ronsu on 07/25/08 at 9:19am

So, back to the original question....  what are they building/updating on the lot behind the house on Rockland. I drove by the other day and it just looks like a flat barren lot back there.  A pool, maybe tennis courts? Both?

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by appleblossom on 07/25/08 at 9:53am

ronsu wrote:
So, back to the original question....  what are they building/updating on the lot behind the house on Rockland. I drove by the other day and it just looks like a flat barren lot back there.  A pool, maybe tennis courts? Both?

2143 Rockland Drive
As of today: original permit (filling up back yard with fill dirt)  hasn't changed and a new one hasn't been issued for anything else for this address.   I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Another_PSA on 07/25/08 at 11:50am

appleblossom wrote:
[quote author=ronsu link=1213668330/30#35 date=1216995550]So, back to the original question....  what are they building/updating on the lot behind the house on Rockland. I drove by the other day and it just looks like a flat barren lot back there.  A pool, maybe tennis courts? Both?

2143 Rockland Drive
As of today: original permit (filling up back yard with fill dirt)  hasn't changed and a new one hasn't been issued for anything else for this address.   I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

From what I heard, the United States Air Force has leased the land to build an underground missile silo capable of housing 2 Trident ICBMs.  This is because of serious breaches of security ( in North Dakota.  They felt Bluff Park would be a better location for these, since people tend to stay awake longer looking at their neighbor's backyards.

But seriously, I walk past the house at least 3 times a week, drive past it more often than that.  I don't find anything wrong with what they are doing.  IT'S THEIR BACKYARD!! (sorry for yelling, but this is just absurd).  If they want to build a pool, a tennis court and a bowling alley, who cares?  You need a telescope to see back there anyway?  The only people that SHOULD have a right to complain are those who's backyard meets up with their property and guess what?  There are none!  Here's a satellite shot (,GGLJ:2007-20,GGLJ:en&q=rockland%20drive%2C%20hoover%2C%20alabama&um=1&sa=N&tab=wl) of the street and you can clearly see that it backs up to woods and nobody's backyard is near it (you may need to zoom in just a smidgen).

All I have to say is good for them for having the resources to expand their property.  Isn't a man's house his castle?  If he wants to build a moat around it, let him, as long as it doesn't interfere with his next door neighbor.  In this case, it's not.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by galaxiegrace on 07/25/08 at 12:14pm

This Google map sat pic is old ya know, so it may not reflect this guy's back yard... it may not be accurate now... when I Google map my office it shows a picture that is at least 6 year old.

Not that it matters because I agree that its his back yard, he paid for it, he can do what he wishes with it, within reason.  I think he's within reason.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Forolemiss on 07/28/08 at 3:29pm

Another PSA, evidentially one of their neighbors is having a problem with them as evidenced by the first post in this discussion string.  Please see post from Mtmama below:  

Does anyone know what is going on with the last house as you go down the hill on Rockland. There are dump trucks and noise coming from the back yard all day.  

Seems I am not the only one complaining about people running construction companies out of their house.  And you might want to walk back by the house again as they have two skidsteers (aka bobcats) visible from the road.  This is against the Hoover Housing Code.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by bppanther on 07/29/08 at 9:57pm

BluffParkWriter wrote:
[quote author=ht2 link=1213668330/15#27 date=1215388000][quote author=Another_PSA link=1213668330/15#26 date=1215376136][quote author=BluffParkWriter link=1213668330/15#25 date=1215372108]Just an update,
I have a real estate agent checking on the status of this house. She will be able to tell if it is foreclosed, bank owned.. etc. When we know that we can then see about who's responsibility it will be to clean up the overgrowth. I have been by the house 2 time in the last few days and still it does not look like there is any "movement" in the house.


Yes, saw that house yesterday.  It doesn't look like anyone lives there.
No one lives there. A realtor friend of mine told me it was a foreclosure. I wish I had some free time to run out to Valleydale to file a complaint. Thanks for ya'lls help.[/quote]

No problem at all, that is what this place is for :)
I think with it being a foreclosure than the bank/holding company would have the responsibility of keeping the property in city code would they not?? When the realtor gets back to me I will ask that question as well. If we can find who has control of the property than that would get us a step further in getting it cleaned up. There was a similar issue with the old CVS building with spray paint, overgrown grass and trash (this was years ago), kept calling and calling till one day it was cleaned when I passed by it.

;) ;),

Any updates with this house?  This house is pretty embarrassing, as are others on Alford.  I understand that Alford Avenue isn't Bluff Park, but many visiting Bluff Park (and real estate sites that list homes along Alford as Bluff Park) think it is, and its the first impression that some see when visiting the area.  I'm surprised that people living in the neighborhoods off of Alford do not complain.  There are several houses that have vines overgrowing the windows and lots that haven't been cut in months...

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by ht2 on 07/30/08 at 2:44pm

bppanther wrote:
[quote author=BluffParkWriter link=1213668330/15#28 date=1215389185][quote author=ht2 link=1213668330/15#27 date=1215388000][quote author=Another_PSA link=1213668330/15#26 date=1215376136][quote author=BluffParkWriter link=1213668330/15#25 date=1215372108]Just an update,
I have a real estate agent checking on the status of this house. She will be able to tell if it is foreclosed, bank owned.. etc. When we know that we can then see about who's responsibility it will be to clean up the overgrowth. I have been by the house 2 time in the last few days and still it does not look like there is any "movement" in the house.


Yes, saw that house yesterday.  It doesn't look like anyone lives there.
No one lives there. A realtor friend of mine told me it was a foreclosure. I wish I had some free time to run out to Valleydale to file a complaint. Thanks for ya'lls help.[/quote]

No problem at all, that is what this place is for :)
I think with it being a foreclosure than the bank/holding company would have the responsibility of keeping the property in city code would they not?? When the realtor gets back to me I will ask that question as well. If we can find who has control of the property than that would get us a step further in getting it cleaned up. There was a similar issue with the old CVS building with spray paint, overgrown grass and trash (this was years ago), kept calling and calling till one day it was cleaned when I passed by it.

;) ;),

Any updates with this house?  This house is pretty embarrassing, as are others on Alford.  I understand that Alford Avenue isn't Bluff Park, but many visiting Bluff Park (and real estate sites that list homes along Alford as Bluff Park) think it is, and its the first impression that some see when visiting the area.  I'm surprised that people living in the neighborhoods off of Alford do not complain.  There are several houses that have vines overgrowing the windows and lots that haven't been cut in months...


Alford isn't considered Bluff Park?  What is it then?

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by JBH on 07/30/08 at 4:50pm

Shades Mountain

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by BluffParkWriter on 07/30/08 at 5:07pm

[/quote]Alford isn't considered Bluff Park?  What is it then?[/quote]

Part of Alford is Shades Mtn
some where on here I wrote out what was BP and what was not, someone else had asked. I will link it for you if I can find it again, if not I will just write again. Its not real "in stone" used to be go by what Ele school you went to but now its not really.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by bppanther on 07/30/08 at 10:15pm

BluffParkWriter wrote:
Alford isn't considered Bluff Park?  What is it then?[/quote]

Part of Alford is Shades Mtn
some where on here I wrote out what was BP and what was not, someone else had asked. I will link it for you if I can find it again, if not I will just write again. Its not real "in stone" used to be go by what Ele school you went to but now its not really.[/quote]

I had always heard it was the stop sign at the end of Alford/Fancher that signaled the end of Shades Mountain, start of Bluff Park.  Areas north of Tyler were Shades Mountain.  I also thought that was how the schools were zoned, but maybe I'm wrong?  Many times on real estate sites a home on Alford or just off of Alford will be called the "Bluff Park Area", but its zoned to Shades Mountain Ele.  I've even seen some houses on the other side of I-65 say that they are in Bluff Park, which is a joke.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by BluffParkLifer on 07/31/08 at 7:36am

Alford/Fancher=Not Bluff Park

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Forolemiss on 07/31/08 at 3:12pm

If you talk to any non-Bluff Parkians they consider Alford part of Bluff Park.  So I guess we are guilty by association.  

I am with BPPanther.  Alford does look like crap as people are starting to let their yards go.  This reflects poorly on us as it is the main road into Bluff Park.  

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by BluffPark2010 on 07/31/08 at 3:39pm

Forolemiss, you really need to get a life.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Forolemiss on 07/31/08 at 3:55pm

BluffPark2010 wrote:
Forolemiss, you really need to get a life.


Can't help that I want to live in a clean community.  From your previous posts it sounds like you want to live in a trailer park.  

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by BluffPark2010 on 07/31/08 at 4:36pm

The truth is your yard probably looks as bad as the people you are.......... about.  You're just another I'm better than everybody snob, when the reality is you are probably one of the worst people in Bluff Park.  Do I want to live in a trailer park?  Absolutely not.  Do I want to live with a bunch of holier than thou racists who have nothing better to do than bash other people and stir up trouble?  I don't want that either.  Bluff Park, Alford Ave, Shades Mountain, were all around before Hoover, and before wanna be yuppies like you moved in.  The ONLY thing wrong with Alford Avenue is not many people anywhere want to have people going 55mph and aggressively tailgating outside their front door.  You are probably one of those said people.  Also, I noticed that nothing has changed about the big house on Alford Avenue.  Is it maybe because the city did just as I thought they would, take a look at the property and then just laugh at you behind your back?  Hey, why don't you go do something about that empty house in your own neighborhood.  Bedford Avenue is such a high upper class neighborhood compared to the rest of Bluff Park.  Want to know why the house on Alford Avenue by Tyler Road does not get sold?  Because the driveway is very narrow with brick walls on both sides, there is absolutely no room in the back yard for a vehicle to turn around, and it is just not safe to back out into a road where people drive 55 MPH and aggressively tailgate.  While you are spending all of your time complaining about how much better your little street is than Alford Avenue, you are just too stupid to realize that without Alford Avenue to connect you to the Interstate, you would have a much more difficult time getting to work.  Maybe you should take the time to learn about things before you start running your ignorant hate filled mouth.

The solution to Alford Avenue would be for people to stop using it as a commuter road.  I remember how Alford used to be, before everybody started moving to Hoover and clogging up the road.  I personally think there should be speed bumps and stop signs on Alford Avenue, that would at least make the road safer.  You would probably ignore the stop signs, because you are one of those people who think as long as nobody is looking you can do whatever you want.

How about the Bluff Park Village shopping center or the apartments, which are undisputedly in Bluff Park Proper?  I could complain what an eyesore those places are, but it wouldn't do any good.  What about all of the people walking along side of the road to and from the Piggly Wiggly?  My guess is, you probably drive around it so you don't have to look at it.

Oh hey, do you have any houses on your street or neighborhood that are worth over $500k?  I can think of two that are on Alford Avenue, one of them is the hispanic house, and the other one is the big million dollar house that is behind the row of neatly trimmed bushes.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by dejavu on 07/31/08 at 7:40pm

BluffPark2010 wrote:
The truth is your yard probably looks as bad as the people you are ............ about.  You're just another I'm better than everybody snob, when the reality is you are probably one of the worst people in Bluff Park.  Do I want to live in a trailer park?  Absolutely not.  Do I want to live with a bunch of holier than thou racists who have nothing better to do than bash other people and stir up trouble?  I don't want that either.  Bluff Park, Alford Ave, Shades Mountain, were all around before Hoover, and before wanna be yuppies like you moved in.  The ONLY thing wrong with Alford Avenue is not many people anywhere want to have people going 55mph and aggressively tailgating outside their front door.  You are probably one of those said people.  Also, I noticed that nothing has changed about the big house on Alford Avenue.  Is it maybe because the city did just as I thought they would, take a look at the property and then just laugh at you behind your back?  Hey, why don't you go do something about that empty house in your own neighborhood.  Bedford Avenue is such a high upper class neighborhood compared to the rest of Bluff Park.  Want to know why the house on Alford Avenue by Tyler Road does not get sold?  Because the driveway is very narrow with brick walls on both sides, there is absolutely no room in the back yard for a vehicle to turn around, and it is just not safe to back out into a road where people drive 55 MPH and aggressively tailgate.  While you are spending all of your time complaining about how much better your little street is than Alford Avenue, you are just too stupid to realize that without Alford Avenue to connect you to the Interstate, you would have a much more difficult time getting to work.  Maybe you should take the time to learn about things before you start running your ignorant hate filled mouth.

The solution to Alford Avenue would be for people to stop using it as a commuter road.  I remember how Alford used to be, before everybody started moving to Hoover and clogging up the road.  I personally think there should be speed bumps and stop signs on Alford Avenue, that would at least make the road safer.  You would probably ignore the stop signs, because you are one of those people who think as long as nobody is looking you can do whatever you want.

How about the Bluff Park Village shopping center or the apartments, which are undisputedly in Bluff Park Proper?  I could complain what an eyesore those places are, but it wouldn't do any good.  What about all of the people walking along side of the road to and from the Piggly Wiggly?  My guess is, you probably drive around it so you don't have to look at it.

Oh hey, do you have any houses on your street or neighborhood that are worth over $500k?  I can think of two that are on Alford Avenue, one of them is the hispanic house, and the other one is the big million dollar house that is behind the row of neatly trimmed bushes.

This post is very ugly.  You do not have to agree with everything that is posted, but there is no need to behave this way.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by BluffParkWriter on 07/31/08 at 10:28pm

language removed by Mod

Forum Rules

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Forolemiss on 08/01/08 at 9:58am

Wow Bluffpark2010.  I see that you have made a lot of assumptions on your post.  Please let me respond to them below:

“The truth is your yard probably looks as bad as the people you are”

My Reply:  My yard is immaculate.  So are my cars, house and about everything I own.  I take a lot of personal pride in about everything I do.  

“You're just another I'm better than everybody snob, when the reality is you are probably one of the worst people in Bluff Park”

My reply:  I am not better than everybody but I am better than you.  From your previous post you sound like a trailer park hick that doesn’t want to improve this community and is content to let it slowly degrade.  So feel free to preach it from the Trailer Park there brother.

“Bluff Park, Alford Ave, Shades Mountain, were all around before Hoover, and before wanna be yuppies like you moved in.”

My reply:  My wife and I make more money than yuppies.  In fact we make a sheisse load of money and we plow it into our house and surroundings.  Given that we have invested so much in our home we are concerned with the neighborhood around it.  

We could live in Greystone, Forest Park, or Mountainbrook, but we chose to live in Bluff Park.  I hope this decision turns out to be a good one.

“Also, I noticed that nothing has changed about the big house on Alford Avenue. Is it maybe because the city did just as I thought they would, take a look at the property and then just laugh at you behind your back?”

My reply: You are assuming that the City of Hoover will enforce a housing code that they just recently adopted three years ago.  Yeah that’s right the City was without something as basic as a housing code up until three years ago.  Even then it took three older gentlemen to champion the cause because nobody else would push it through.

Given that I don’t have any faith that the City of Hoover will ever enforce the code.

“While you are spending all of your time complaining about how much better your little street is than Alford Avenue, you are just too stupid to realize that without Alford Avenue to connect you to the Interstate, you would have a much more difficult time getting to work. Maybe you should take the time to learn about things before you start running your ignorant hate filled mouth.”

My reply:  I never compared Bedford to Alford but I think Bedford would win hands down.  The $500K house that you referenced actually went on the market for around $350K and it probably sold for less because it stayed on the market forever.  The $1M home is actually three homes on a massive lot so if you averaged them it would be around $300K apiece.  Also there is no correlation to how much someone pays for a home and how clean it is, so I am not grasping your redneck logic.  

And I never mentioned anything about Alford being a commuter road and what does that have to do with how it looks?  I think your “Solution” is pretty stupid.  Why don’t you just ask people to start cleaning up around their yards so it doesn’t look like a vine/equipment infested pig pen.

“Hey, why don't you go do something about that empty house in your own neighborhood. Bedford Avenue is such a high upper class neighborhood compared to the rest of Bluff Park.”

My reply:  People around the Bluff Park Meadows area have been complaining for years and nothing has happened.  I guess the City of Hoover is laughing behind their backs too.  

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Another_PSA on 08/01/08 at 11:57am

Forolemiss wrote:
Wow Bluffpark2010.  I see that you have made a lot of assumptions on your post.  Please let me respond to them below:

“The truth is your yard probably looks as bad as the people you are”

My Reply:  My yard is immaculate.  So are my cars, house and about everything I own.  I take a lot of personal pride in about everything I do.  

His yard is immaculate.  I'll give him that.

“You're just another I'm better than everybody snob, when the reality is you are probably one of the worst people in Bluff Park”

My reply:  I am not better than everybody but I am better than you.  From your previous post you sound like a trailer park hick that doesn’t want to improve this community and is content to let it slowly degrade.  So feel free to preach it from the Trailer Park there brother.

You sound like a snob in that response.

“Bluff Park, Alford Ave, Shades Mountain, were all around before Hoover, and before wanna be yuppies like you moved in.”

My reply:  My wife and I make more money than yuppies.  In fact we make a sheisse load of money and we plow it into our house and surroundings.  Given that we have invested so much in our home we are concerned with the neighborhood around it.  

Scheisse is spelled with "sch" not "sh".  And I think you are full of it with the money response.

We could live in Greystone, Forest Park, or Mountainbrook, but we chose to live in Bluff Park.  I hope this decision turns out to be a good one.

Bravo Sierra

“Also, I noticed that nothing has changed about the big house on Alford Avenue. Is it maybe because the city did just as I thought they would, take a look at the property and then just laugh at you behind your back?”

My reply: You are assuming that the City of Hoover will enforce a housing code that they just recently adopted three years ago.  Yeah that’s right the City was without something as basic as a housing code up until three years ago.  Even then it took three older gentlemen to champion the cause because nobody else would push it through.

Given that I don’t have any faith that the City of Hoover will ever enforce the code.

What did your follow up with the city find?

“While you are spending all of your time complaining about how much better your little street is than Alford Avenue, you are just too stupid to realize that without Alford Avenue to connect you to the Interstate, you would have a much more difficult time getting to work. Maybe you should take the time to learn about things before you start running your ignorant hate filled mouth.”

My reply:  I never compared Bedford to Alford but I think Bedford would win hands down.  The $500K house that you referenced actually went on the market for around $350K and it probably sold for less because it stayed on the market forever.  The $1M home is actually three homes on a massive lot so if you averaged them it would be around $300K apiece.  Also there is no correlation to how much someone pays for a home and how clean it is, so I am not grasping your redneck logic.  

And I never mentioned anything about Alford being a commuter road and what does that have to do with how it looks?  I think your “Solution” is pretty stupid.  Why don’t you just ask people to start cleaning up around their yards so it doesn’t look like a vine/equipment infested pig pen.

If my house was the size of a postage stamp, and my yard was the size of a small bedroom, I suppose keeping it immaculate wouldn't be that difficult.  Good thing they can't see your backyard, right?

“Hey, why don't you go do something about that empty house in your own neighborhood. Bedford Avenue is such a high upper class neighborhood compared to the rest of Bluff Park.”

My reply:  People around the Bluff Park Meadows area have been complaining for years and nothing has happened.  I guess the City of Hoover is laughing behind their backs too.

Who have they been complaining to?  Themselves?  Not much gets done that way.  

Your attacks are unwarranted.  Oh, and you need to read Sun Tsu's works.  Something about a hundred battles...

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Forolemiss on 08/01/08 at 1:37pm

Another PSA,

Who asked your opinion??  I sure didn’t.  

Unless you have been going through my bank/retirement statements, I don’t think you would know how much money I make or where I can afford to live.  The point was that I can live anywhere in Birmingham that I want but I chose BP.  To clarify: Anything under $600-700 I could afford.

I chose BP because everyone said it was going to be the next Homewood or Crestline.  Boy were they wrong.   There hasn't been any progress at all.  In fact it has been slipping backwards because you and your buddy Bluffpark2010 want to live in filth.  You want to take up for people that will eventually drag this neighborhood down.  You are to concerned that I seem to be picking on Mexicans to realize all of the crap that is in their yards.  I think someone on this site called the Alford Ave yard the "Sanford and Son Yard".  Just the neighbor I want.

Two other things:

The yard is a little bit bigger than a bedroom.  I know. I cut it.  That doesn’t seem to be the theme on Alford.

And unless you have been living under a rock you would know that people have been complaining to Hoover about the Savoy house for years. Nothing is ever done about it which is the situation in Bluff Park.

You seem to have some thing about back yards.  Yours probably looks like sheisse oh I'm sorry scheisse.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Another_PSA on 08/01/08 at 3:00pm

Forolemiss wrote:
Another PSA,

Who asked your opinion??  I sure didn’t.  

Unless you have been going through my bank/retirement statements, I don’t think you would know how much money I make or where I can afford to live.  The point was that I can live anywhere in Birmingham that I want but I chose BP.  To clarify: Anything under $600-700 I could afford.

I chose BP because everyone said it was going to be the next Homewood or Crestline.  Boy were they wrong.   There hasn't been any progress at all.  In fact it has been slipping backwards because you and your buddy Bluffpark2010 want to live in filth.  You want to take up for people that will eventually drag this neighborhood down.  You are to concerned that I seem to be picking on Mexicans to realize all of the crap that is in their yards.  I think someone on this site called the Alford Ave yard the "Sanford and Son Yard".  Just the neighbor I want.

Two other things:

The yard is a little bit bigger than a bedroom.  I know. I cut it.  That doesn’t seem to be the theme on Alford.

And unless you have been living under a rock you would know that people have been complaining to Hoover about the Savoy house for years. Nothing is ever done about it which is the situation in Bluff Park.

You seem to have some thing about back yards.  Yours probably looks like sheisse oh I'm sorry scheisse.

So sorry to jump in.  I thought this was a public forum, not the forolemiss forum.

I'll let you gripe about all of your horrible Bluff Park neighbors, but first one question:  If you have the resources to live anywhere in Birmingham, and if you found that Bluff Park really wasn't what you thought it would be, and if things just aren't improving to your satisfaction, then what in the world are you still doing here?  From what I hear it's a buyer's market right now and you should be able to find the home of your dreams in the perfect neighborhood where everyone keeps their yard just so (mainly because those Hispanics you despise so much come once a week to do it for them).  What is keeping you in ugly, trashy, nasty Bluff Park.  Why be subject to a group of city leaders who laugh behind your back and don't enforce the rules?

I know if I was not satisfied and I was rich like you I certainly wouldn't waste my time on a forum griping about things.  I'd be busy buying my next house and getting out of Bluff Park.

On a different topic, I have found that people who boast about their income fall into one of two categories.  They're either trying to make up for shortcomings in certain areas or they are lying.  Which category do you fall under?

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by teatucker on 08/01/08 at 3:12pm

Forolemiss wrote:
I chose BP because everyone said it was going to be the next Homewood or Crestline.  Boy were they wrong.  

I dont want to get in your argument but I have a question about this statement.. who is everyone?
When I bought that is what my realtor had said that to me also and I have seen that kind of growth in the area that I am in maybe not as fast but a continued growth. My realtor told me that there are SOME prime spots in Bluff Park, popular roads and areas that are fixed and sold or flipped. Some examples she gave me included but not limited to (sorry I cant remember all of them) Park Ave, Chapel, The Farley's, Cambo's, Rockland area, etc. They are the ones I remember because they had the houses that I was most interested in. No where did she mention anything about Alford Ave. nor did I look at any homes on that road.

I guess from what I have read on here from others is that there are people that see the same problems you do around them and then there are people who do not see it around them... so maybe its not an overall problem just a few homes here and there??? I would be interested in hearing from a realtor that sells in Bluff Park. Considering that the house next to me sold in 10 days for 205,000 and it is a postage stamp with a new updated kitchen and hardwood floors, I am not in an area of Bluff Park where I am seeing what you are seeing and I am thankful for that. Anyway I was just wondering who had told you that statement that is all really.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by BluffPark2010 on 08/01/08 at 3:33pm

Oh so you think you're better than just me, huh?  I'll bet you wouldn't last ten seconds.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Forolemiss on 08/01/08 at 4:25pm

Let’s just get something straight.  I am not the one that fired off the original one page hate post.  I was just responding to your trailer trash friend.  As far as the income discussion, that was in response to your friend’s post.  Not lying or compensating for something else.

You can call me a racist till your blue in the face, but I could care less.  I just call it like I see it.  Every house in BP with massive amounts of construction equipment in their yard is Mexican-owned.  I am just pointing out the direct correlation.  If that makes me a racist, then so be it.  

Oh by the way, have you seen the two dump trucks parked in front of the new Hispanic home by Larkspur Lane.  When are you going to concede to the fact that I am right??

As far as moving out of Bluff Park, once the kids get out of Bluff Park Elementary we plan to jet to Vestavia.  So there you go.  Sorry I took a gamble on Bluff Park, a place of all talk and no action.  

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by bppanther on 08/01/08 at 4:28pm

teatucker wrote:
[quote author=Forolemiss link=1213668330/45#54 date=1217615841]

I chose BP because everyone said it was going to be the next Homewood or Crestline.  Boy were they wrong.  

I dont want to get in your argument but I have a question about this statement.. who is everyone?
When I bought that is what my realtor had said that to me also and I have seen that kind of growth in the area that I am in maybe not as fast but a continued growth. My realtor told me that there are SOME prime spots in Bluff Park, popular roads and areas that are fixed and sold or flipped. Some examples she gave me included but not limited to (sorry I cant remember all of them) Park Ave, Chapel, The Farley's, Cambo's, Rockland area, etc. They are the ones I remember because they had the houses that I was most interested in. No where did she mention anything about Alford Ave. nor did I look at any homes on that road.

I guess from what I have read on here from others is that there are people that see the same problems you do around them and then there are people who do not see it around them... so maybe its not an overall problem just a few homes here and there??? I would be interested in hearing from a realtor that sells in Bluff Park. Considering that the house next to me sold in 10 days for 205,000 and it is a postage stamp with a new updated kitchen and hardwood floors, I am not in an area of Bluff Park where I am seeing what you are seeing and I am thankful for that. Anyway I was just wondering who had told you that statement that is all really.[/quote]

Not a real estate agent, but this is my opinion...This area didn't explode like parts of Homewood did years back, but we have experienced steady, continued growth.  I think a lot of people who have bought in Homewood the last few years have seen their property values decline b/c they bought in at the end of the housing boom, when houses in that area were overpriced.  We sold a house in BP within the last year in about a week, with 3 offers within the first few days.  For the most part, if you maintain your home and update a few things, your house will be desired.  A lot of young people have moved in, and that's a good sign.  I believe its much easier to sell here than many other areas, especially many parts of Shelby Co where there are hundreds upon hundreds of the same houses for sell, and drive times are horrendous (anytime I travel south on 65 past Highway 31 in the afternoon I swear I'll never do it again).  Its up to us to keep BP desirable and much of that is simply keeping your yard up and taking a little pride in your home...if not for you than for your neighbors.  

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Leo on 08/01/08 at 4:31pm

I am new to this forum is it always like this? :-/

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by BluffPark2010 on 08/01/08 at 4:36pm

"My Reply:  My yard is immaculate.  So are my cars, house and about everything I own.  I take a lot of personal pride in about everything I do."

Websters defines immaculate as having no flaw or error.  So in other words, your yard is perfect in every measurable way?

"My reply:  I am not better than everybody but I am better than you.  From your previous post you sound like a trailer park hick that doesn’t want to improve this community and is content to let it slowly degrade.  So feel free to preach it from the Trailer Park there brother."

That's just a flat out lie.  You are not better than me, nor anyone else.  You are nothing but an overgrown schoolyard bully with personal issues.  Most of the people on this forum have grown to dislike you, but they don't say anything.  I'll bet most of your so called friends you associate with feel the same way about you.  Do any of your friends or family ever turn to you when they need help?  Probably not, because they know you are a selfish jerk who would just pick on them.  With regards to trailer park, never lived in one my entire life.  Don't associate with rednecks, so I don't really see where you are going with that one.  Then again nobody else on this forum does, so there's no need to go into that one, because the trailer park, just like the so called value of your home, cars, and your family income, all figments of your imagination.

My reply:  My wife and I make more money than yuppies.  In fact we make a sheisse load of money and we plow it into our house and surroundings.  Given that we have invested so much in our home we are concerned with the neighborhood around it.  

We could live in Greystone, Forest Park, or Mountainbrook, but we chose to live in Bluff Park.  I hope this decision turns out to be a good one.

My response:  you could have, but you didn't.  Could it maybe be because you simply could not afford those places to begin with?  Talk is cheap and this is an Internet message board.  We all know that Internet message boards and chat rooms are where people can live out their fantasies.

My reply: You are assuming that the City of Hoover will enforce a housing code that they just recently adopted three years ago.  Yeah that’s right the City was without something as basic as a housing code up until three years ago.  Even then it took three older gentlemen to champion the cause because nobody else would push it through.

Given that I don’t have any faith that the City of Hoover will ever enforce the code.

Housing codes are passed so as to keep up pressure on the community to keep the neighborhood safe.  You can't directly go after people for being annoying neighbors, being loud, or having the general profile of a criminal.  The general theory is, keep pressure on the small things, and the big things do not happen.  If somebody has the police called on them for not having their grass cut, theory is that they will understand not to do bigger things.  It works most of the time, however not all of the time.  I know of one house on Alford where the grass gets overgrown sometimes, but it is owned by an old lady who probably doesn't have the money to pay somebody to cut her grass.  Understanding the demographics of a neighborhood helps you to get problems solved much more effectively.  Treating an old lady like a criminal because of her yard is not an effective solution to the problem.  No one on this message board has specifically addressed the house which I am thinking of, but it serves as an example to prove that you must actually have an understanding of a community in order to get things moving and get people behind you.  The solution would be for concerned people in the neighborhood to volunteer their time to help out an elderly person.  That is what people once did no the older days, they helped out the elderly.  There are enough young able bodied men with lawnmowers in the neighborhood.  I'm sure someone could organize church groups, or offer community service hours for high school students.  I much prefer that solution to treating everyone like a criminal whose house doesn't measure up to your standards.

Hoover does enforce the code when they determine something to be a legitimate problem.  Hoover is not a small town like Homewood or Mountain Brook.  Hoover is also a major business hub with close to 70,000 citizens spread out from Greystone to the edge of Bessemer.  They have to look at the big picture.  Is the house on Alford annoying to you?  It no doubt is.  Does the city of Hoover, who is responsible for 70,000 citizens and the second largest commercial base in the metro area believe the appearance of some of the homes in the city is threatening everything here?  Probably not.  There are some, however, legitimate concerns for the city.  They cleaned up a problem home near Alford Avenue because there were serious legitimate quality of life issues, I'm sure you know what I mean by that.  The house on Savoy owned by the older gentleman, people have complained about that for a while.  The city of Hoover has no doubt determined that the home does not pose a quality of life issue for the other neighbors.  It will never become a home taken over by squatters, it won't become a rental home, and it won't become a drug dealer's shack.  The city of Hoover is not going to bully an elderly gentleman, especially one who graduated from the University of Alabama law school.

My reply:  I never compared Bedford to Alford but I think Bedford would win hands down.  The $500K house that you referenced actually went on the market for around $350K and it probably sold for less because it stayed on the market forever.  The $1M home is actually three homes on a massive lot so if you averaged them it would be around $300K apiece.  Also there is no correlation to how much someone pays for a home and how clean it is, so I am not grasping your redneck logic.

to be continued...

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by teatucker on 08/01/08 at 4:38pm

bppanther wrote:
Not a real estate agent, but this is my opinion...This area didn't explode like parts of Homewood did years back, but we have experienced steady, continued growth.  I think a lot of people who have bought in Homewood the last few years have seen their property values decline b/c they bought in at the end of the housing boom, when houses in that area were overpriced.  We sold a house in BP within the last year in about a week, with 3 offers within the first few days.  For the most part, if you maintain your home and update a few things, your house will be desired.  A lot of young people have moved in, and that's a good sign.  I believe its much easier to sell here than many other areas, especially many parts of Shelby Co where there are hundreds upon hundreds of the same houses for sell, and drive times are horrendous (anytime I travel south on 65 past Highway 31 in the afternoon I swear I'll never do it again).  Its up to us to keep BP desirable and much of that is simply keeping your yard up and taking a little pride in your home...if not for you than for your neighbors.  

Outstanding post bppanther!! Well said!
Cant agree more. I think a steady growth is better than a boom and then a fall or bubble.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by teatucker on 08/01/08 at 4:40pm

Leo wrote:
I am new to this forum is it always like this? :-/

no, it just seems the 3 of them in this thread. There are very nice people on this forum outside of this conversation. Have not been here long myself.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by BluffPark2010 on 08/01/08 at 5:20pm

part two of really long post:

Not surprising, given we are in a housing recession right now.  The lot with three homes, they are all behind the same gate.  Doesn't matter if it is three structures or one.

And I never mentioned anything about Alford being a commuter road and what does that have to do with how it looks?  I think your “Solution” is pretty stupid.  Why don’t you just ask people to start cleaning up around their yards so it doesn’t look like a vine/equipment infested pig pen.

That is correct, you never mentioned Alford Avenue as a commuter road.  I DID.  Believe it or not, you do not know the entire sum of human knowledge out there, however much you would like to think you do.  Getting a constant reasonable speed going on Alford Avenue would do a lot more good than most people want to acknowledge.  But you are happy bashing it while reaping the full benefits of its existance, a road for your commute.

Furthermore, I have never advocated anyone living in filth.  I just think bullying people and in general being full of hate and arrogance does not win people over to your side.

Bluff Park is, has been, and will continue to be a good neighborhood.  It is not a perfect neighborhood, but no neighborhood is.  Come to think of it, your home is probably the only perfect one in Bluff Park.  Your home on Bedford Avenue is probably better than all of the people who live in Carisbrooke, they just don't realize it yet.  Do I want to have people who care about the neighborhood living here?  Absolutely.  I just happen to think that it is possible to live with neighbors who want people to live in attractive neighborhoods, while at the same time not being angry hate filled bigots who display the absolute worst humanity has to offer.  If character and humanity were scored on a scale similar to real estate, you wouldn't even be Ensley or Tarrant, you would be a poor village in a third world country with raw sewage everywhere.

We all have our ideals of what a perfect world is, but real world conditions must be taken into account.  You don't put people away in prison for ten years for littering.  If people have the ability to deal with certain issues and they do not, they must be held accountable, but the Constitution forbids cruel and excessive punishment.  The reality is, you came here to this neighborhood and you knew exactly what it looked like before moving in.  There are indeed rednecks who live in Bluff Park, no doubt why you would mistake anybody who disagrees with you for one.  But they have roots in Bluff Park for many years, much longer than you have been here.  There are also elderly families here in Bluff Park who don't care much for trying to radically transform the neighborhood, but as the saying goes you cannot teach an old dog new tricks.  And there are a very small number of newcomers in Bluff Park who are newcomers to America in general.  I think the thing to do would be to make them feel welcome into the community, and maybe even invite them to join neighborhood associations.  I think making people feel welcome is a much better solution to making people feel as if they have a stake in the community.  I personally would not want to help people out if I felt like they hated me and are just using me to accomplish their own objectives.

Being a newcomer to Bluff Park and Hoover, there are probably things you do not know about the community.  Many of the people in city government and many of the founders of Hoover as we know it today went to Berry High School and in fact grew up in the Bluff Park area.  They prospered, and they moved to bigger neighborhoods, but they did not forget where they came from.  They also remember the neighborhood before hate filled snobs started to move in who were filled with delusions of grandeur that they would take a regular home and suddenly would become insanely wealthy from it.  Want to know why this country as a whole is in one of the worst housing markets since World War 2?  Because millions of consumers were filled with greed and delusions of grandeur, just the same as you are.

Do you have any family in Hoover or more specifically Bluff Park?  Do you participate in any community events?  Do you go to any of the local churches?  Do you shop at the Piggly Wiggly and order from any of the local restauraunts?

Sounds to me like you are one of the millions of people out there who thought you would automatically make hundreds of thousands of dollars just because you are buying a home in a neighborhood with new wealth coming in.  The realities of the housing market have changed that and crushed your fantasies of greed, so it is everyone's fault but yours.  It doesn't matter that you purchased a home on an average street, or that you bought your house when interest rates were much lower than they should have been, or that we are now facing a major energy problem which is negatively affecting the economy.  It is everybody's fault but yours.  If I don't think people should be harassed over an issue in which harassment is not the solution, then I am responsible for your home's value.  I've seen your kind before.

I'm beginning to get the impression that, as much as you trash other people, you are just a few paychecks away from living in the trailer park.  Because you made stupid financial decisions.  You don't want to improve Bluff Park at all.  Nor anywhere else for that matter.  You just wanted to move in and get rich.  Your get rich plan did not work, so it is the responsibility of everyone in Bluff Park to radically transform this neighborhood.  But this neighborhood will continue to improve and get better.  Bluff Park Elementary is one of the top ranked in the system.  Bluff Park Elementary has outscored Greystone Elementary on many occasions.  As the old saying goes, Rome was not built in a day.  I'm sure an educated man like yourself has heard that expression before.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by BluffPark2010 on 08/01/08 at 5:24pm

About problem houses, there are a few unsightly homes in every single neighborhood of America.  Nowhere is perfect, and nobody's yard is perfect.  I have a few relatives and friends in Los Angeles, and believe it or not there are even a few unsightly homes in Beverly Hills, California, of all places.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Another_PSA on 08/01/08 at 5:39pm

Forolemiss wrote:
Let’s just get something straight.  I am not the one that fired off the original one page hate post.  I was just responding to your trailer trash friend.  As far as the income discussion, that was in response to your friend’s post.  Not lying or compensating for something else.

You can call me a racist till your blue in the face, but I could care less.  I just call it like I see it.  Every house in BP with massive amounts of construction equipment in their yard is Mexican-owned.  I am just pointing out the direct correlation.  If that makes me a racist, then so be it.  

Oh by the way, have you seen the two dump trucks parked in front of the new Hispanic home by Larkspur Lane.  When are you going to concede to the fact that I am right??

As far as moving out of Bluff Park, once the kids get out of Bluff Park Elementary we plan to jet to Vestavia.  So there you go.  Sorry I took a gamble on Bluff Park, a place of all talk and no action.  

Das ist eine Lüge!  Eine riesen grosse Lüge!

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Another_PSA on 08/01/08 at 5:40pm

BluffPark2010 wrote:
part two of really long post:

Two very good, well argued posts, BluffPark2010!

Could not have said it better myself.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by BluffPark2010 on 08/01/08 at 6:59pm

I really do hate to be angry, but some things just cannot stand and go unchallenged.  Are there homes that need working on in this neighborhood?  Absolutely.  Does that make the neighborhood a bad neighborhood to live in?  Absolutely not.  I would very much like to improve the neighborhood.  My reasons for improving it are different than forolemiss.  I would like to improve the neighborhood so that the people of Bluff Park, mainly the people who have been here for a long time, can have something to be proud of.  I do not want to make a neighborhood just to attract people who feel like they are better than everybody else, to have all of the people who have been here nuts on because they don't measure up to the standards of somebody who only wants to move here to turn a profit, and then leave later on.  There are many people who grew up in wealthier parts of Hoover who graduate college and then move to Bluff Park for their first home, because the homes are reasonably priced and the neighborhoods have potential.  There is enormous potential for Bluff Park.  

As gasoline prices continue to rise and traffic on the roads increases, Bluff Park will look even more attractive to many professionals, successful people, and other accomplished citizens of the Birmingham area.  We don't have that many businesses in Bluff Park, nor many attractive shopping outlets.  That can always change.  I think we could get some money for revitalization and change the area around the main two shopping centers.  I think if we set up a bus route inside Bluff Park that leads to UAB and downtown Birmingham, it would take cars off of the road and help people completely avoid the parking problem downtown and at UAB.  That would only work if Birmingham has a good transportation system in place where people can at least go from work or school to a few restauraunts.

Less attention is paid to Bluff Park than other parts of Hoover, but that can change.  We can always form new neighborhood associations and encourage people to become more active in the community.  We can have greater strength if our neighborhood leaders worked with leaders of other nearby neighborhoods such as Green Valley.  Most of the city council pays more attention to other parts of Hoover because change is more rapid in other parts of Hoover and there is not the same sense of community because most of the people are new.  The council holds the neighborhood in high regards.  Many of the councilmen and city workers have roots in Bluff Park that date all the way back to childhood.  That is probably why the city leaders do not want to harass people in the community over issues that are, in the grand scheme of things, insignificant.

Culture plays a big role in the value of a neighborhood.  Would Mountain Brook be what it is without its villages?  Would Homewood be what it is without its downtown and street layout?  Would Greystone be what it is without the golf course?  Bluff Park does not have a golf course, but it is adjacent to Green Valley, which does, and the people of Bluff Park are more than welcome in Green Valley and the Hoover Country Club.  Bluff Park has easy access to many ammenities, but we need to bring some directly into the neighborhood.  Bluff Park has the beginnings of a neighborhood walking trail.  If we were to expand the sidewalks, it would greatly enhance the appearance of the neighborhood.

I could go on and on about what we could do for the neighborhood, but I don't want to sit here for too long on Friday night.  Bottom line is that Bluff Park is a good neighborhood, no matter what some people say about it.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by bpresident on 08/01/08 at 7:54pm

BluffPark2010 wrote:
I really do hate to be angry, but some things just cannot stand and go unchallenged.  Are there homes that need working on in this neighborhood?  Absolutely.  Does that make the neighborhood a bad neighborhood to live in?  Absolutely not.  I would very much like to improve the neighborhood.  My reasons for improving it are different than forolemiss.  I would like to improve the neighborhood so that the people of Bluff Park, mainly the people who have been here for a long time, can have something to be proud of.  I do not want to make a neighborhood just to attract people who feel like they are better than everybody else, to have all of the people who have been here nuts on because they don't measure up to the standards of somebody who only wants to move here to turn a profit, and then leave later on.  There are many people who grew up in wealthier parts of Hoover who graduate college and then move to Bluff Park for their first home, because the homes are reasonably priced and the neighborhoods have potential.  There is enormous potential for Bluff Park.  

As gasoline prices continue to rise and traffic on the roads increases, Bluff Park will look even more attractive to many professionals, successful people, and other accomplished citizens of the Birmingham area.  We don't have that many businesses in Bluff Park, nor many attractive shopping outlets.  That can always change.  I think we could get some money for revitalization and change the area around the main two shopping centers.  I think if we set up a bus route inside Bluff Park that leads to UAB and downtown Birmingham, it would take cars off of the road and help people completely avoid the parking problem downtown and at UAB.  That would only work if Birmingham has a good transportation system in place where people can at least go from work or school to a few restauraunts.

Less attention is paid to Bluff Park than other parts of Hoover, but that can change.  We can always form new neighborhood associations and encourage people to become more active in the community.  We can have greater strength if our neighborhood leaders worked with leaders of other nearby neighborhoods such as Green Valley.  Most of the city council pays more attention to other parts of Hoover because change is more rapid in other parts of Hoover and there is not the same sense of community because most of the people are new.  The council holds the neighborhood in high regards.  Many of the councilmen and city workers have roots in Bluff Park that date all the way back to childhood.  That is probably why the city leaders do not want to harass people in the community over issues that are, in the grand scheme of things, insignificant.

Culture plays a big role in the value of a neighborhood.  Would Mountain Brook be what it is without its villages?  Would Homewood be what it is without its downtown and street layout?  Would Greystone be what it is without the golf course?  Bluff Park does not have a golf course, but it is adjacent to Green Valley, which does, and the people of Bluff Park are more than welcome in Green Valley and the Hoover Country Club.  Bluff Park has easy access to many ammenities, but we need to bring some directly into the neighborhood.  Bluff Park has the beginnings of a neighborhood walking trail.  If we were to expand the sidewalks, it would greatly enhance the appearance of the neighborhood.

I could go on and on about what we could do for the neighborhood, but I don't want to sit here for too long on Friday night.  Bottom line is that Bluff Park is a good neighborhood, no matter what some people say about it.

Hate to disagree with you on a couple of points, but I will.

The city council pays a lot of attention to Bluff Park.  This is mainly because Bluff Park has the highest voter turnout in Hoover.  It is also because Bluff Park has an organization like the Bluff Park Neighborhood Web Site.  Apparently you were not at our last two meetings.  I encourage you to attend our All for One party on August 23.  Please let me know what other part of Hoover has an annual event like this (sub-divisions not included).

Every neighborhood must have an agitator and we have ours.  That's fine.  This site and forum, though, were founded on a positive, non-adversarial spirit and if the negativity continues, someone will find themselves looking in from the outside.  Constructive criticism is welcome.  Outright harassment is not.  We didn't get the police substation in Bluff Park by being obnoxious name-callers.  We got it by working with the city leaders and having a plan.  This is the type of behavior that makes communities prosper.  If we wanted negativity, we'd move to Birmingham.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by BluffParkWriter on 08/01/08 at 9:12pm

bpresident wrote:
Hate to disagree with you on a couple of points, but I will.

The city council pays a lot of attention to Bluff Park.  This is mainly because Bluff Park has the highest voter turnout in Hoover.  It is also because Bluff Park has an organization like the Bluff Park Neighborhood Web Site.  Apparently you were not at our last two meetings.  I encourage you to attend our All for One party on August 23.  Please let me know what other part of Hoover has an annual event like this (sub-divisions not included).

Every neighborhood must have an agitator and we have ours.  That's fine.  This site and forum, though, were founded on a positive, non-adversarial spirit and if the negativity continues, someone will find themselves looking in from the outside.  Constructive criticism is welcome.  Outright harassment is not.  We didn't get the police substation in Bluff Park by being obnoxious name-callers.  We got it by working with the city leaders and having a plan.  This is the type of behavior that makes communities prosper.  If we wanted negativity, we'd move to Birmingham.

Well Said Well Said!
and to remind this thread and everyone else that the reason this site/the community web site came about (which was before I came along to the site.. so I take no credit in its formation) was because of the fact that we had some criminals coming in OUR neighborhood and scaring OUR residents and we said NO.... we are not going to have this!!!! Now this community web site has become more than that, its a place where we talk and work out issues and make friends. Bluff Park has always been a tight community, the site and forum makes it even more so. I hate to see a lot of bickering make it look like we are not who we are.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by BluffPark2010 on 08/02/08 at 5:13am

I don't disagree with either one of you.  I don't want to make the forum unpleasant for everyone else and bring negativity here.  I just get tired of hearing people make disparaging remarks about my end of Bluff Park.  On the other hand, I did indeed overreact to the situation.  I apologize for the excessive arguing.  I normally don't display combative behavior, I don't feel that I have represented myself very well.

I was not able to make the neighborhood meetings due to personal reasons.  I agree that things get done by working together with people, and I think there are a lot of great things that can be done to make Bluff Park an even better neighborhood.  There are certain things we all have issues with.  I chose the route of going on the offensive, rather than engaging in constructive criticism and civil disagreements.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by appleblossom on 08/02/08 at 7:19am

WOW!!   Was really looking forward to the 23rd... not sure now.   :-/  

Welcome Leo!

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by sweethome2 on 08/02/08 at 9:11am

BluffPark2010 wrote:
I don't disagree with either one of you.  I don't want to make the forum unpleasant for everyone else and bring negativity here.  I just get tired of hearing people make disparaging remarks about my end of Bluff Park.  On the other hand, I did indeed overreact to the situation.  I apologize for the excessive arguing.  I normally don't display combative behavior, I don't feel that I have represented myself very well.

I was not able to make the neighborhood meetings due to personal reasons.  I agree that things get done by working together with people, and I think there are a lot of great things that can be done to make Bluff Park an even better neighborhood.  There are certain things we all have issues with.  I chose the route of going on the offensive, rather than engaging in constructive criticism and civil disagreements.

What a nice statement.  People get mad, it is a fact of life.   You said that there are certain things we all have issues with and I think that sentence says it all.  The understanding that I received from some people here concerning my dog problem really helped.  I made some people here really mad and I hope in time they will get over it as I am not a hateful, nasty person.  The dog does not bark anymore so at least something positive came out of it.  

I understand how you feel and I understand how forolemiss feels.  I think understanding is needed and taking sides does not solve a problem, it just divides the community.        

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by appleblossom on 08/02/08 at 9:36am

sweethome2 wrote:
[quote author=BluffPark2010 link=1213668330/60#71 date=1217671983]I don't disagree with either one of you.  I don't want to make the forum unpleasant for everyone else and bring negativity here.  I just get tired of hearing people make disparaging remarks about my end of Bluff Park.  On the other hand, I did indeed overreact to the situation.  I apologize for the excessive arguing.  I normally don't display combative behavior, I don't feel that I have represented myself very well.

I was not able to make the neighborhood meetings due to personal reasons.  I agree that things get done by working together with people, and I think there are a lot of great things that can be done to make Bluff Park an even better neighborhood.  There are certain things we all have issues with.  I chose the route of going on the offensive, rather than engaging in constructive criticism and civil disagreements.

What a nice statement.  People get mad, it is a fact of life.   You said that there are certain things we all have issues with and I think that sentence says it all.  The understanding that I received from some people here concerning my dog problem really helped.  I made some people here really mad and I hope in time they will get over it as I am not a hateful, nasty person.  The dog does not bark anymore so at least something positive came out of it.  

I understand how you feel and I understand how forolemiss feels.  I think understanding is needed and taking sides does not solve a problem, it just divides the community.        

Ditto SH2 !!!    

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Forolemiss on 08/04/08 at 12:42pm

Wow 2010, more assumptions.  

I'll tell you how much I care about Bluff Park.  I spent my Sunday afternoon cutting the 3 foot weed infested yard on Alford.  Not the best yard job in the world given that my mower could not cut down the “Tree trunk” weeds, but none the got done.  Pretty sad that it got to that point.

One of the neighbors came over and thanked me.  Very very cute lady.  She proceeded to tell me that she has asked the City several times to come out and do something and she even called the bank.  Nothing happened.  She then proceeded (unsolicited might I add) to tell me that she had some real concerns about Alford Ave and Bluff Park.  

She complained about how people on Alford don’t care about their yards, don’t care about their home’s appearance, and the seeming lack of enforcement of the housing code.  Evidentially she has moved to the BP area in the last couple of years and has some real concerns about which way the area is headed.  Again, I didn’t solicit any of this.

I guess I am not alone in my views.  I think people on this website probably have the same concerns about the neighborhood that I do but they are not going to express their views for fear of getting labeled a “racist elitist” like me.  Label me all you want.  

If you care so much about BP, why don’t you stop writing your politically correct rants and fire up the ole Craftsman push mower and mow the yard down the street or mow where I did when the weeds grow back.  I doubt this will happen but call me crazy or I guess in your case the “racist elitist”.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by galaxiegrace on 08/04/08 at 2:22pm

I feel sorry for the folks who lived on Alford Ave before they made Alford an exit off the interstate... it used to be such a nice street before the exit.

Hoover doesn't care about Bluff Park.  Remember when Skinner (it was Skinner wasn't it?) said that Bluff Park was the ARMPIT of Hoover?  Niiiice!

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by bpresident on 08/04/08 at 3:22pm

Forolemiss wrote:
Wow 2010, more assumptions.  

I'll tell you how much I care about Bluff Park.  I spent my Sunday afternoon cutting the 3 foot weed infested yard on Alford.  Not the best yard job in the world given that my mower could not cut down the “Tree trunk” weeds, but none the got done.  Pretty sad that it got to that point.

One of the neighbors came over and thanked me.  Very very cute lady.  She proceeded to tell me that she has asked the City several times to come out and do something and she even called the bank.  Nothing happened.  She then proceeded (unsolicited might I add) to tell me that she had some real concerns about Alford Ave and Bluff Park.  

She complained about how people on Alford don’t care about their yards, don’t care about their home’s appearance, and the seeming lack of enforcement of the housing code.  Evidentially she has moved to the BP area in the last couple of years and has some real concerns about which way the area is headed.  Again, I didn’t solicit any of this.

I guess I am not alone in my views.  I think people on this website probably have the same concerns about the neighborhood that I do but they are not going to express their views for fear of getting labeled a “racist elitist” like me.  Label me all you want.  

If you care so much about BP, why don’t you stop writing your politically correct rants and fire up the ole Craftsman push mower and mow the yard down the street or mow where I did when the weeds grow back.  I doubt this will happen but call me crazy or I guess in your case the “racist elitist”.

I'd like to commend you for taking care of the grass on the Alford Avenue house in the Shades Mountain area.  You put your money where your mouth is.  Very good!

Now on to some different business.  When I created this site, it was meant for a positive place to express views about Bluff Park.  I understand there are sometimes when a little negativity is appropriate, but one can go overboard.  

I've always found that dealing with the source is far better than talking about the source.  For example, yesterday I sent a rather lengthy e-mail to the Lieutenant in charge of traffic at Hoover PD relating to the constant running of stop signs by Bluff Park drivers.  I have requested that some motor units be put in our area to deal with this issue.  Although I requested this in the past, it has mostly resulted in speed traps being set up on Park Avenue and Shades Crest Road.  I emphasized that we don't have a speeding problem, we have a stop sign problem.  But it was addressed.

I understand your frustration with some of the homes in Bluff Park and Alford (which, as I noted in the opening, is in the Shades Mountain community, but nonetheless reflects on Bluff Park) that are not being kept up as you keep yours up.  Becoming hostile with some of the posters is not the answer, though, as then our cause and our mission is not taken as seriously as it could be.  Our mission here is to be both proactive and to find solutions to the problems, not just leave it up to others to solve the problems.  For example, regarding the stop sign issue, I gave them specific times and locations where people are running the stop signs (I would suggest being careful at Bedford and Shandendoah for a while...).  The negative attacks on Bluff Park might have some question why you would live here, as some have already done.  You'd probably agree that there are better ways to get your point across.

We all have our "pet peeves".  Mine is the stop signs.  Yours appears to be homes that are not being kept up to your standards.  We must respect each others views, as well as those who don't seem to care about ours.  I sometimes look at the house down the street from me where the lawn hasn't been cut in a good two months and think that he's making my yard look much better.  I, unlike you, don't feel that that person's yard is a reflection of my yard or the type of person I am.  That's not to say that you don't feel that way and, if you do, that's OK.  Again, I respect your opinion.  But I ask that you respect others on the forum.

The very fact that you took the time to cut the yard on Alford demonstrates that you care about the community that you live in.  That is much more than others would have done.  When I drove past the house on Saturday, I took a good look and wondered how a lawnmower would cut through those weeds and how to get a lawnmower up there.  

Let us work on this together, let us work as a community, let us not tear into each other over little things and let us show the rest of Hoover that Bluff Park is still the best place to live in our city.


Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Forolemiss on 08/04/08 at 4:41pm

The "Yard/Overcrowded House/Heavy Equipment" issue reflects negatively on the whole community not just the person that refuses to cut their grass or stop stock-piling heavy construction equipment.  It doesn’t seem to be a hot button issues for some but their property values and quality of life will eventually be affected.  I have continuously asked everyone if they would like a neighbor with construction equipment in their yard.  No one has emailed me back with a “Yes”.

As far as being negative, I may be a little bit Chicken Little, but there are definitely some trends going on here.  More people are moving to the area and bring construction equipment with them.  Notice the new home on Alford with the two dump trucks in the front yard??  Why don’t we let this be the test case?  

I think we need to discuss the good, the bad and the ugly on this website.  Isn’t everyone entitled to their opinion?  If mine doesn’t correspond with yours do we need to censor it?  I don’t think so.  

As far as being hostile, I hate to be childish with a “He started it” response, but this 2010 guy was a little out of line first.  “You need to get a life” and the subsequent posts??  Wow.  And talk apathetic.  How can you not be hostile towards apathy??  

In my mind the best solution to the problem is action, not talking.  That yard on Alford should have been cut long time ago.  Why doesn’t someone step up and cut the yard close to 65??  

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by bpresident on 08/04/08 at 6:30pm

Forolemiss wrote:
The "Yard/Overcrowded House/Heavy Equipment" issue reflects negatively on the whole community not just the person that refuses to cut their grass or stop stock-piling heavy construction equipment.  It doesn’t seem to be a hot button issues for some but their property values and quality of life will eventually be affected.  I have continuously asked everyone if they would like a neighbor with construction equipment in their yard.  No one has emailed me back with a “Yes”.

As far as being negative, I may be a little bit Chicken Little, but there are definitely some trends going on here.  More people are moving to the area and bring construction equipment with them.  Notice the new home on Alford with the two dump trucks in the front yard??  Why don’t we let this be the test case?  

I think we need to discuss the good, the bad and the ugly on this website.  Isn’t everyone entitled to their opinion?  If mine doesn’t correspond with yours do we need to censor it?  I don’t think so.  

As far as being hostile, I hate to be childish with a “He started it” response, but this 2010 guy was a little out of line first.  “You need to get a life” and the subsequent posts??  Wow.  And talk apathetic.  How can you not be hostile towards apathy??  

In my mind the best solution to the problem is action, not talking.  That yard on Alford should have been cut long time ago.  Why doesn’t someone step up and cut the yard close to 65??  

I have no problem with the what you say part (the good, bad and the ugly), but I do have a problem with the how you say it part.  I think we can all agree that we're adults here and that some discussions can be handled like adults.  Harsh attacks can be taken care of on the Hoover forum, where they enjoy that type of exchange.  Here, as you say, we're going to handle things with action.  You took the first step with the cutting of the yard.  Now we need to take the next step with the dump trucks.  Please forward me the exact address and I'll make some calls.  LET'S use it as a test case.  I think it's perfect (although I haven't seen the house).  But let's remember one other thing here:  this site and this forum is "for, about, and by Bluff Park".  Although we don't have a problem inviting the folks on Alford to our functions, technically they're in the Shades Mountain section of Hoover and we don't want to bite off more than we can chew.  I still think that we should use that house you're referring to as a test case.

Regarding the attacks:  they cease today.  I'll give one warning if I see something out of line and then I'll ban the user.  I am not about to let this place become like the forums.  That's not censorship.  That's behaving like adults.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if it doesn't match up with ours.


Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by appleblossom on 08/05/08 at 8:31am

bpresident wrote:
[quote author=Forolemiss link=1213668330/75#78 date=1217886070]The "Yard/Overcrowded House/Heavy Equipment" issue reflects negatively on the whole community not just the person that refuses to cut their grass or stop stock-piling heavy construction equipment.  It doesn’t seem to be a hot button issues for some but their property values and quality of life will eventually be affected.  I have continuously asked everyone if they would like a neighbor with construction equipment in their yard.  No one has emailed me back with a “Yes”.

As far as being negative, I may be a little bit Chicken Little, but there are definitely some trends going on here.  More people are moving to the area and bring construction equipment with them.  Notice the new home on Alford with the two dump trucks in the front yard??  Why don’t we let this be the test case?  

I think we need to discuss the good, the bad and the ugly on this website.  Isn’t everyone entitled to their opinion?  If mine doesn’t correspond with yours do we need to censor it?  I don’t think so.  

As far as being hostile, I hate to be childish with a “He started it” response, but this 2010 guy was a little out of line first.  “You need to get a life” and the subsequent posts??  Wow.  And talk apathetic.  How can you not be hostile towards apathy??  

In my mind the best solution to the problem is action, not talking.  That yard on Alford should have been cut long time ago.  Why doesn’t someone step up and cut the yard close to 65??  

I have no problem with the what you say part (the good, bad and the ugly), but I do have a problem with the how you say it part.  I think we can all agree that we're adults here and that some discussions can be handled like adults.  Harsh attacks can be taken care of on the Hoover forum, where they enjoy that type of exchange.  Here, as you say, we're going to handle things with action.  You took the first step with the cutting of the yard.  Now we need to take the next step with the dump trucks.  Please forward me the exact address and I'll make some calls.  LET'S use it as a test case.  I think it's perfect (although I haven't seen the house).  But let's remember one other thing here:  this site and this forum is "for, about, and by Bluff Park".  Although we don't have a problem inviting the folks on Alford to our functions, technically they're in the Shades Mountain section of Hoover and we don't want to bite off more than we can chew.  I still think that we should use that house you're referring to as a test case.

Regarding the attacks:  they cease today.  I'll give one warning if I see something out of line and then I'll ban the user.  I am not about to let this place become like the forums.  That's not censorship.  That's behaving like adults.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if it doesn't match up with ours.


Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Forolemiss on 08/05/08 at 9:35am

Sorry about that.  I didn't see 2010's apology in the earlier posts so I kept the barbs coming.

One thing that I am confused about is the statements about Alford not being recognized as Bluff Park and what methodology you are using to say what is Bluff Park.  I saw something about elementary schools???  Shouldn’t it be by what City Council district you vote in??

Under your methodology BluffPark2010 should change his name to ShadesMountain2010 and drop off the website.  I am all for that (just joking), but I think Alford has been historically been included in BP.  

The home on Alford is right in front to Larkspur.  Can't miss it.  They are clearing off the back yard so I imagine the heavy equipment will arrive shortly.  

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by BPMomma on 08/05/08 at 10:14am

Can someone take a picture and post this?  I was shocked when I did a "drive by."

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by appleblossom on 08/05/08 at 10:37am

Forolemiss wrote:
Sorry about that.  I didn't see 2010's apology in the earlier posts so I kept the barbs coming.

One thing that I am confused about is the statements about Alford not being recognized as Bluff Park and what methodology you are using to say what is Bluff Park.  I saw something about elementary schools???  Shouldn’t it be by what City Council district you vote in??

Under your methodology BluffPark2010 should change his name to ShadesMountain2010 and drop off the website.  I am all for that (just joking), but I think Alford has been historically been included in BP.  

The home on Alford is right in front to Larkspur.  Can't miss it.  They are clearing off the back yard so I imagine the heavy equipment will arrive shortly.  

I surely don't want to get in the middle of all this.. but clarify, please.  I know The City is "At Large" and we do not vote Council members by districts.  You are talking about Voting locations - correct?  I just didn't want any new residents that are out in our BP Web to think we had districts.   That's all.. sorry to interrupt.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by bpresident on 08/05/08 at 11:02am

Forolemiss wrote:
Sorry about that.  I didn't see 2010's apology in the earlier posts so I kept the barbs coming.

One thing that I am confused about is the statements about Alford not being recognized as Bluff Park and what methodology you are using to say what is Bluff Park.  I saw something about elementary schools???  Shouldn’t it be by what City Council district you vote in??

Under your methodology BluffPark2010 should change his name to ShadesMountain2010 and drop off the website.  I am all for that (just joking), but I think Alford has been historically been included in BP.  

The home on Alford is right in front to Larkspur.  Can't miss it.  They are clearing off the back yard so I imagine the heavy equipment will arrive shortly.  

I think your question is a fair one and I'll try to answer it how I have in the past.  But first, we must go back in history.  First, we'll go back 20+ years before Bluff Park was annexed into Hoover.  Since it was part of the county, there was a "Bluff Park Fire District" in place.  When I first started up I was able to get a map of that fire district from the fine people at Carto-Craft Maps in the Shades Crest Plaza (and it wasn't just a little map, it measured about 6' x 10' in size - it is on display at the Bluff Park Community School)  This fire district went from Hwy. 150 all the way to Columbiana Road and everything in between.  Since we didn't know at the time what was considered "Bluff Park", that was our first reference.  

Prior to being in existence, there was a Bluff Park Neighborhood Association that folded in January 2006.  I was able to speak to the former president of the association and asked her what their qualifications for being in Bluff Park were.  She indicated that they considered any house who's kids were zoned for Bluff Park Elementary School as being in "Bluff Park".  That was our second reference.  Keep in mind that prior to the re-zoning of 2004, kids who lived on Shades Crest Road all the way to Hwy. 150 were zoned for Bluff Park Elementary.

I (and the other "founders" of then looked at the general area that we call Bluff Park.  The business center of Bluff Park is the Shades Mountain Plaza area and Bluff Park Village.  Outlying business section, thus not in the "center" include Tip Top Grill, Bluff Park Hardware, etc.  We thought that anyone who would frequent the shops in both of those centers should be considered as "Bluff Park", so we came up with the following boundaries:

From Chapel Road by the power sub-station to Shades Crest Road to Sulphur Springs Road on one end, I-65 on the other end and down to Gary Mac drive off Tyler Road and everything inside those roads is what we would consider Bluff Park.  The Alford Avenue area would be sketchy.  Since was formed in August 2006 (2 year anniversary coming up!!  I just renewed the domain for another year...), the Shades Mountain community has come up with their own group and are basing it on the success that we've had, which is great.  If all communities would come together like these two have, many problems could be solved.  But I digress...that's what we consider to be "Bluff Park", so under that premise, the house that you mowed the other day would be considered to be both in Bluff Park and Shades Mountain.  But since we have no authority (and don't claim to have any), what each area belongs to really is up to individual perception.  For example, Mr. P's and the businesses up there are technically not in Bluff Park.  They're not even in Hoover.  They are in the city limits of Birmingham and receive Birmingham police and fire services.  I was not aware of this until we started the site and was informed of this.  The reason, in case anyone is interested, is due to the sale of alcohol at Mr. P's.  Hoover, at the time, didn't want to allow it, Birmingham did, so that shopping center decided to be annexed into Birmingham.

So now lets address your City Council district issue.  This would be (and should be) correct IF we were not an open seat council.  Just because we have seven places on the city council doesn't mean that two people, one from Greystone and one from Bluff Park, couldn't vie for the same seat.  Dr. Lott represents you and me just the same as Gene Smith does.  That doesn't mean that they may not show a greater interest in where they live than where they don't live, but technically it makes no difference, unlike Birmingham, where candidates can only be voted on by people in who's district they are running.  Example:  When we had our two meetings back in 2006 the entire council was invited.  Six of the seven members showed up for both meetings.  The only council member who didn't show up to either meeting was Mr. Natter.  Mr. Natter represented Place 7.  Mr. Natter is not running for re-election.  The three candidates who are seeking his seat live in three different areas of Hoover, one in Bluff Park (Mr. Greene), one in Green Valley (Mr. Brown) and on in Inverness (Mr. Creel).  

So what's Bluff Park?  It's what WE (the residents of Bluff Park) want it to be.  I'd like to see the business section expand and I think that we're going in the right direction there, thanks to a few intelligent business people.  We wouldn't have a Bluff Park police sub-station if it wasn't for the Bluff Park Village's Mr. Harden, who worked out a lease with the city that made it feasible.  We wouldn't have a fantastic venue for this year's "All for One" party if it wasn't for Mr. Lemak who owns part of Shades Mountain Plaza.  Bluff Park is what we make it, with the help and support from the city, the businesses and the residents - in a non-adversarial way.

Hope this answers your question.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by bpresident on 08/05/08 at 11:03am

appleblossom wrote:
[quote author=Forolemiss link=1213668330/75#81 date=1217946909]Sorry about that.  I didn't see 2010's apology in the earlier posts so I kept the barbs coming.

One thing that I am confused about is the statements about Alford not being recognized as Bluff Park and what methodology you are using to say what is Bluff Park.  I saw something about elementary schools???  Shouldn’t it be by what City Council district you vote in??

Under your methodology BluffPark2010 should change his name to ShadesMountain2010 and drop off the website.  I am all for that (just joking), but I think Alford has been historically been included in BP.  

The home on Alford is right in front to Larkspur.  Can't miss it.  They are clearing off the back yard so I imagine the heavy equipment will arrive shortly.  

I surely don't want to get in the middle of all this.. but clarify, please.  I know The City is "At Large" and we do not vote Council members by districts.  You are talking about Voting locations - correct?  I just didn't want any new residents that are out in our BP Web to think we had districts.   That's all.. sorry to interrupt.[/quote]

Good question.  Answered in the last portion of my most recent post in this thread.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by appleblossom on 08/05/08 at 11:18am

bpresident wrote:
[quote author=appleblossom link=1213668330/75#83 date=1217950626][quote author=Forolemiss link=1213668330/75#81 date=1217946909]Sorry about that.  I didn't see 2010's apology in the earlier posts so I kept the barbs coming.

One thing that I am confused about is the statements about Alford not being recognized as Bluff Park and what methodology you are using to say what is Bluff Park.  I saw something about elementary schools???  Shouldn’t it be by what City Council district you vote in??

Under your methodology BluffPark2010 should change his name to ShadesMountain2010 and drop off the website.  I am all for that (just joking), but I think Alford has been historically been included in BP.  

The home on Alford is right in front to Larkspur.  Can't miss it.  They are clearing off the back yard so I imagine the heavy equipment will arrive shortly.  

I surely don't want to get in the middle of all this.. but clarify, please.  I know The City is "At Large" and we do not vote Council members by districts.  You are talking about Voting locations - correct?  I just didn't want any new residents that are out in our BP Web to think we had districts.   That's all.. sorry to interrupt.[/quote]

Good question.  Answered in the last portion of my most recent post in this thread.
 Sorry, I must have missed it.. there is so much negative "Stuff" lately on this topic I skimmed some of the postings.  I'll check it out.   Thanks.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by mbear2662 on 08/05/08 at 11:21am

I may have joined the wrong group then based on where the boundaries are for Bluff Park.  I live on Regent Lane.  I am very interested in my neighborhood.  Could you please tell me if I live in Bluff Park or if I should be associated with the Shades Mountain forum.  Also what is the web site for that so that I can join that forum?

Thanks for your information.  There is a house on Regent Lane that has tree limbs that were cut at the beginning of the summer that are STILL in the yard and have not be carried to the front for pick-up.  The people that live in the house are not elderly they are just LAZY!!!!.

Again thanks for the information.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by sweethome2 on 08/05/08 at 12:01pm

forolemiss, I saw the yard that you cut last Sunday and I am amazed that you could get it done with a lawn mower.  You may need to sharpen your blades....... that yard could have used a bush hog!  

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by bpresident on 08/05/08 at 1:30pm

mbear2662 wrote:
I may have joined the wrong group then based on where the boundaries are for Bluff Park.  I live on Regent Lane.  I am very interested in my neighborhood.  Could you please tell me if I live in Bluff Park or if I should be associated with the Shades Mountain forum.  Also what is the web site for that so that I can join that forum?

Thanks for your information.  There is a house on Regent Lane that has tree limbs that were cut at the beginning of the summer that are STILL in the yard and have not be carried to the front for pick-up.  The people that live in the house are not elderly they are just LAZY!!!!.

Again thanks for the information.

I don't know if the Shades Mountain community has gone online yet.  I do know they organized within six months of when we did and they have had some meetings, but again, I don't know if they have a site and/or a forum yet.

One way to find out would be to put a post out on either the Hoover Forum ( or on the Hoover Forum ( and ask if any of them know.  In the meanwhile, we don't discriminate on membership, so you're welcome to stay here as long as you'd like.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by teatucker on 08/05/08 at 4:32pm

mbear2662 wrote:
I may have joined the wrong group then based on where the boundaries are for Bluff Park.  I live on Regent Lane.  I am very interested in my neighborhood.  Could you please tell me if I live in Bluff Park or if I should be associated with the Shades Mountain forum.  Also what is the web site for that so that I can join that forum?

Thanks for your information.  There is a house on Regent Lane that has tree limbs that were cut at the beginning of the summer that are STILL in the yard and have not be carried to the front for pick-up.  The people that live in the house are not elderly they are just LAZY!!!!.

Again thanks for the information.

This is still a good place to converse even if you are inside Shades Mtn.. if they have not formed a site of their own then maybe having some of the Shades residents here will get them talking and they will see the need for it. They are welcome here as well I have seen.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Forolemiss on 08/05/08 at 4:38pm

Since it is such a fuzzy issue, why don't we vote on whether or not Alford and the streets off of Alford should be included in BP.  My vote is that they should since basically all non-BPers consider Alford as BP.  Also, if you include the Alfordians they have a voice in what happens to their community.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Bluff Park Guy on 08/05/08 at 4:53pm

Alfordians........... I love it  ;D

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by fitgrl on 08/05/08 at 8:09pm

If we consider Alford Bluff Park, then what about all of the side streets...Haden, Pine, John's, etc.  Is what you consider now BP basically what is zoned for BP elem.?  :-?

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by pattycam on 08/05/08 at 8:24pm

I live on Mountain Oaks and, although technically I am in the Shades Mountain area, when I give directions, I tell people I live in Bluff Park.  We have the many of the same issues in our area.  We are a neighborhood on the brink of either incredible increases in value...or sliding into a mediocre, lower middle class burg.  Some houses are fabulous, others..not so much.  Our street is used as a cut-through from Tyler to Alford, and in the morning, when I do my power walking, I am sometimes afraid for my life!  Speeding, running stop signs, etc.  The police put up one of those automated speed check signs last year and some drivers slowed down, but now they're back to racing through.  My favorite thing to do is drive around going 25 mph- and back up all the young drivers in such a hurry.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by bpresident on 08/05/08 at 8:40pm

fitgrl wrote:
If we consider Alford Bluff Park, then what about all of the side streets...Haden, Pine, John's, etc.  Is what you consider now BP basically what is zoned for BP elem.?  :-?

Good point.  I discuss that in this post:

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by dw14 on 08/05/08 at 8:59pm

I think there are a lot of Shades Mtn people in here... I'm a Regent Forest resident myself... I keep an eye out for all the stuff b/c I do see the potential for a huge value increase or it could go south...

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by bpresident on 08/06/08 at 10:13am

bpresident wrote:
[quote author=mbear2662 link=1213668330/75#87 date=1217953300]I may have joined the wrong group then based on where the boundaries are for Bluff Park.  I live on Regent Lane.  I am very interested in my neighborhood.  Could you please tell me if I live in Bluff Park or if I should be associated with the Shades Mountain forum.  Also what is the web site for that so that I can join that forum?

Thanks for your information.  There is a house on Regent Lane that has tree limbs that were cut at the beginning of the summer that are STILL in the yard and have not be carried to the front for pick-up.  The people that live in the house are not elderly they are just LAZY!!!!.

Again thanks for the information.

I don't know if the Shades Mountain community has gone online yet.  I do know they organized within six months of when we did and they have had some meetings, but again, I don't know if they have a site and/or a forum yet.

One way to find out would be to put a post out on either the Hoover Forum ( or on the Hoover Forum ( and ask if any of them know.  In the meanwhile, we don't discriminate on membership, so you're welcome to stay here as long as you'd like.

Link to the Shades Mountain Forum:

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Forolemiss on 08/08/08 at 10:12am

Anybody see a building permit for the home on Alford and Larkspur??   Given all the concrete that is going to be poured into that yard, I bet it is going to be filled with construction equipment.  

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Bluff Park Guy on 08/08/08 at 10:46am

It looks like they are going to do a U driveway in the front and then extend the driveway down the side into the back. Does it look like they are pouring a slab in the backyard? Was also thinking they might be planning on building a garage/workshop in the back. Did that house just sell or are people who have always lived there doing this?

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by bpresident on 08/08/08 at 10:58am

Bluff Park Guy wrote:
It looks like they are going to do a U driveway in the front and then extend the driveway down the side into the back. Does it look like they are pouring a slab in the backyard? Was also thinking they might be planning on building a garage/workshop in the back. Did that house just sell or are people who have always lived there doing this?

The entire front looks like it's going to be a massive driveway, and it extends all the way to the back.  I've seen complaints on this forum in the past where people didn't like it when residents parked their cars on their lawn.  I've also seen complaints on this forum regarding the excessive speed on Alford and how it's hard for people to back out of their driveway.  It appears to me that this resident has solved both situations in one shot.  Not only does he now have enough driveway space for a small fleet of cars, but he's also never going to have to back out of his driveway.  Plus he gets the added bonus of not having to mow his yard, as there doesn't seem to be any yard left to mow.  With the right landscaping, this could actually end up looking pretty good.  I think as long as it is used for personal vehicles, and not construction equipment, it just might work.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by appleblossom on 08/08/08 at 11:36am

928 was a rental for years... just sold.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Forolemiss on 08/08/08 at 2:07pm

I am not that concerned with the driveway as much as I am the "Fleet" as you say.  I don't think it is going to be a fleet of cars as much as a fleet of work vans in the front and a fleet of construction equipment in the back.  Since the back is elevated you aren't going to be able to hide anything from the road.  

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by bpresident on 08/08/08 at 2:12pm

Forolemiss wrote:
I am not that concerned with the driveway as much as I am the "Fleet" as you say.  I don't think it is going to be a fleet of cars as much as a fleet of work vans in the front and a fleet of construction equipment in the back.  Since the back is elevated you aren't going to be able to hide anything from the road.  

Are you sure we're talking about the same house?  You made it sound like it was at the corner of Larkspur and Alford and the house that I saw wasn't a corner lot.  I also drove real slow by it today and was unable to see the back because the house was obstructing it.  

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Forolemiss on 08/08/08 at 2:16pm

I guess I meant to say Alford and Lakspur but not imply a corner.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by bpresident on 08/08/08 at 2:25pm

Forolemiss wrote:
I guess I meant to say Alford and Lakspur but not imply a corner.

So I suppose we're talking about the same property.  You think that, based on what they are doing, that this is going to become another house where people put their construction equipment, similar to the Audobon house.  If that's the case, then I would agree that it is not acceptable.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Forolemiss on 08/08/08 at 2:58pm

I am not really a gambler, but I'll put up $50 that by year end the yard will be filled with trucks and their neighbors will not be happy.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by BluffParkWriter on 08/08/08 at 7:03pm

Some info on 928 Alford Ave - construction that the last few post today have been about. City info I got says the project IS a driveway which was speculated in an early post. Property owner does not need a permit for that. The property has also been sold so... new owner, private property


Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Forolemiss on 08/11/08 at 3:52pm

I still maintain that it will become a construction equipment storage yard by year-end!!!  I see no takers on the $50 bet.  Hmmmm.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Bluff Park Guy on 08/18/08 at 9:32am

That's a sucker bet. My wife told me she saw all the heavy trucks/equipment before they even started the driveway/parking lot project so we know they are going to be parked there. Plus the fact that there are like 10 or so males that all live in the house or are at the house quite a bit. Might as well get on the phone Hoover about the business that is about to get cranking out of the house..........

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Forolemiss on 08/18/08 at 3:38pm

Not trying to tick you off BPG, but I don't think the City is going to listen to you.  They didn't listen to me.  Well nobody ever does, but nonetheless GOOD LUCK.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Bluff Park Guy on 08/19/08 at 4:03pm

Did anything ever become of the complaint that was filed about the newer house on Alford that has all the trucks, trailers, cement mixers, etc. sitting around? From what I could tell, it looks like they just tried to build a fence to hide some of it.

Title: Re: dump trucks on Rockland
Post by Forolemiss on 08/20/08 at 9:21am

Nothing happened at all.  Hoover said they would call after they looked at it.  So either they haven't looked at it or they didn't call.  

Now you have another situation cropping up at Larkspur and Alford.  You are going to have 20 people packed into a 3 bedroom house with a ton of construction equipment in the front and back yard.  

It is going to look like crap.  Mark my words!! So feel free to file a complaint!!!  

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